fraudsters | kth ft ksj

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"Where is my son?" Seokjin entered his son's room, he became furious after not finding his son there.

Seokjin screamed and gathered the whole house. "My little child cannot be handled by you useless people?"

"What salary do you all take when a whole bunch of servants can't handle my little son?" Toys are all scattered in his son's room, the room is in chaos. His little son's luxurious room was completely destroyed.

"Is it such a big task? If you all can't do it then let me know and I will fire everyone." He was continuously showering the fire of his anger on everyone, everyone was asking for forgiveness with their mouths lowered.

"Are you enjoying standing and listening to scolding? Go from here and search for him before he runs away somewhere far away." At Seokjin's order an army of servent started searching everywhere for his son.


"Do your work, don't get lost in your dreams." An employee who worked with Yn left a bundle of files on her desk meanwhile she was busy in her own world.

"Man, he doesn't even look at me, I tried so hard to woo him, but he seems like a very saintly man." Yn sigh, She is crazy about her office's owner.

"Forget about him, he is not such a useless person who wastes his time in all these useless things. He has a lot of important work to do besides making love." her office-friend told. "And you also do the work, otherwise he will scold you, then you will sit in the bathroom and cry like you did 4 days ago."

"His class is very high, he will not even do a love affair with a middle class girl, accept this fact." Her friend broke her heart before leaving.

Peon came to yn and told her to go to the boss's cabin She always waits for this opportunity, she became very happy.

Standing in front of the glass outside the cabin, she fixed her hair and also opens 3 buttons of her white shirt to showcase her b0bs.

"can i come in sir?" She is standing at the glass door asking for permission, With a wave of his finger her arrogant head called her inside.

As soon as she stands in front of the table, her boss threw the file on her face she felt very insulted.

"This is how work is done, have you considered my company a joke? Instead of completing the presentation, you wrote poetry in the files." Seokjin shouted.

Yn immediately picked up the file from the ground and started reading the pages. Her face turned red with shame.

"What kind of intoxication to get before you come to the office so you are not conscious. Do you leave your mind at home?"

"Sorry sir, I don't know how it happened." She looked down and apologized.

"You will leave the office today only when the pending work is completed." Seokjin ordered, she is standing listening looking at her black block heels.

"Do you enjoy getting scolded? Go run away from here?" Seokjin scolded her badly and chased her away; she flew like a rocket towards the bathroom with tears in her eyes.


"Why are you falling for him? You are old enough to get married and he is of your father's age and he also has a younger son." Jimin sympathized with yn and explained.

"Your parents are trying to persuade me to marry you, tell me what to do, being your friend I am telling you to forget that old man." Jimin exclaimed. Jimin is yn's neighbor and also her childhood friend.

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