statue | knj

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Y/N gazes lovingly at the towering marble statue and whispers. "Cindrella! from now on your name is this." That statue was of a man but she named it girl's.

She picked up the heavy marble statue and took it to the bathroom."how hard i made this statue. I live in you baby, your beautiful marble body excites me."

The statue she made was of a sitting man. The statue was very heavy but she could move it from one place to another with the slats of the wheel.

The idol was of a nk3d man and he was covering it with a blanket but after reaching the bathroom she removed the blanket from it.

She is very fond of her sculptures, she is a famous sculptor. Strange madness lives inside her for her statues, she also makes relationship with her statues many times.

Removing the blanket, she sat on top of the statue facing him and took his hard marble c,ck in herself. She wraps her arms around the statue's neck and lovingly licks his stone lips.

Her intercourse was interrupted when there was a knock at her door. "Who is it, spoiled the mood?"

When she got up and went to the door, she saw her lover standing at the door. "Namjoon! you've been drunk again?" She got angry, her boyfriend fell on her, he was so drunk.

She smelled him, he smelled bad. "Have you bathed in a dirty drain?"

She somehow took him to the bed and took off his shoes threw them away, also started taking off his clothes which had become dirty due to falling in the drain.

"I'm telling the truth, if you don't give up alcohol, I'll leave you. Namjoon, namjoon, namjoon, you hear me?" she patted his cheeks but he fell asleep drunk.


Namjoon started going to the bathroom from the bed at 3 in the night, his heart came in his mouth to see a nk3d man in the bathroom who was staring at him with red eyes.

"what the hell is this yn?" He came running out and screamed at his girlfriend.

"what happened why are you dying?" When she lost her sleep, she also got upset in anger.

"You have hidden someone in the bathroom, you do dirty things with someone else in silence from me?" He shouted.

"Looks like alcohol fk3d your mind too much. you don't understand anything?" She got up from the bed and went to the bathroom with angry steps.

"Look carefully it's just a statue carved by my hands." She put her hand on the statue and explained to namjoon.

"but he was looking at me with red eyes?" Namjoon trembled, His soul shuddered at the thought of what had happened moments before.

"The red eyes are not his but yours, go and look in the mirror." She yelled and left bathroom.


In the morning she was preparing breakfast and many thoughts were crowding namjoon's mind.

"you tell me one thing Why do you make nude statues and why do you take them to the bathroom?" Namjoon looked at yn sitting on living room's sofa.

"I am a sculptor and there is no limit to my sculpture, my hands like it, they carve it. your question is absurd." His question is really absurd but yn's actions are also not commendable. what she does to idol no sane person would do.

She prepares coffee, serves it to him and takes coffee herself, sits on the lap of that statue, seeing which her lover was scared in the night.

"What are you doing? why are you sitting on his lap?" Namjoon yelled.

"What happened, it is just a statue, are you jealous?" She chuckled.

"Don't sit on him, I find it strange to look at him, I feel like he has life and he is watching everything we do."

"I feel as if you have gone mad. You are a coward yourself and you are scaring me too. Sometimes you don't come home because of work, I'll be scared if I have to be alone at night sometimes. I will die of fear because of these words of yours." She said. She got up from the statue and went towards namjoon and sat on his lap.

"If you want then say I will sit on your lap but why are you throwing tantrums?" She rubbed herself on him.

"don't rub me btch." Namjoon screamed, he threw his hands and head behind.


"i don't have much time tell me what's the work?" Yn said in one breath standing in the police station.

"This is not your father's house, which you are showing off, this is the police station, where the skin of rude people is removed from my leather belt." Taehyung become angry. Seeing yn talking rudely, he said.

"A dead body has been found whose height, body structure matches of your missing husband kim seokjin, let's identify it." Taehyung stand up from his chair, He accompanied her to the morgue and she identified.

"No, this is not my husband." She buried her nose with a handkerchief and said because the corpse was stinking badly.

"This btch policeman used my time to wastes." She left from there cursing taehyung.


"what is this?" Yn shouts at namjoon.

"what do you mean? this is p,rn i am watching." He was surprised to see yn's angry face.

"How dare you look at another woman nk3d while I am there?" She throw flowerpot at him angrily. His head exploded and he died in an instant, sitting nk3d on the bed, with his c,ck erect.

"Oh no! oh my god! Namjoon baby?" She shaked him a lot but he has left the world and won't be coming back.

She mourned for some time and then got up with courage and started hiding the dead body so that she could avoid arrest by the police.

She started covering the man with cement and gluing marble stones over him. She covered his whole body through the marble.


Days passed and she started carving the marble above namjoon after the cement above him had completely dried.

She has magic in her hands, she made the statue look like her lover, she made his statue nk3d with his c,ck erect and sitting. just like he killed.

"My darling, I love you so much." she moaned and she started bouncing on namjoon's marble c,ck. When she had kept the other idol also near her and was caressing his long marble c,ck as well.

Her doorbell rang and she become volcano. "Who came here to die?"

She opens the door to see her new boyfriend standing at the door with flowers.

Taehyung filled her lips in his lips in a moment and lifted her like a child. closing the door he entered inside her flat.

In search of her husband, she visit in the police station, that's why they became friends and now both are dating each other.

Taehyung entered the room and saw two nk3d statues sitting on the bed. "You carve so well, you have prepared the statue of your husband. Wow yn." Taehyung complimented his new girlfriend.

Taehyung is talking about the same statue that scared Namjoon once. Yn smiled innocently looking at both statues.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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