Chapter 2: The Moon

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It was nighttime in the Fungal Forests of Rykstram, the elvish nation that existed to the west of Iepral. A pair of shadowy figures darted through the forest following flashes of light in front of them. The shadows paused for a moment, the flashes had ceased and now a steady glow radiated about sixty feet from them. A lone glow cow stood eating weeds from the forest floor, unaware of the pairs of eyes watching her. Without a word the shadows drew their bows in unison and loosed their arrows. The wooden arrows moved with such speed that they hit the cow before she could swallow the weeds, and with a heavy thud she fell to the ground. The shadows descended upon the cow and begin skinning it with steady hands and sure cuts.

"Nice shot." beamed a quiet feminine voice.

"Thanks." returned a gruffer male voice, "Training's paying off now, isn't it?"

"Yeah, finally, I've been waiting for this hunt for five years now. You'd think I would've been ready sooner but... it's fine I'm here now and we did it."

There was a pause as they continued cleaning, then the male spoke again.

"We'd better hurry back, the strobers will be here soon to pick her clean."

With a nod the female stood and the two took off towards their home. It was still night when they arrived back in Chantree, the elves capital city, just west of Ethleron. The city itself was in two parts, half below the fungal tree canopy built off the tops of the trunks, and above the canopy resting on the tops. The growths of Reishi mushrooms on the side of the tree imitated stairs to reach the lower level of the city, and the carved interior of the top part of the tree served a similar function for travel to the top level. The pair ascended the mushrooms towards the lower level and headed to the marketplace. The market was filled to the brim with people so they had to weave in and out of groups to try and get to the butcher shop.

"Father!" the female exclaimed, "Father I've returned with plenty of meat!"

"Excellent job, I told you Affraun was an exceptional teacher." the gruff male smirked and jested, "The best in all of Chantree and dare I say Rykstram itself!"

The girl's father laughed and invited the two in.

"I wish I could, but I must go, the Elders said they require my presence" Affraun paused for a moment, "But I will stop by after for some tea."

"Promise?" pleaded the young girl.

"Absolutely" beamed Affraun, then off he sprinted towards the Root Hall home to the Elders.

The Elders sat quietly in a circle and spoke of the recent troubles brewing in Iepral, when suddenly the door busted open and in came Affraun.

"Sorry for my tardiness this morning Elders, I was taking Lialath back to her father." he blurted, and then bowed his head in respect.

"All is well." the Elders chanted in unison, "Please, at ease, this will only take a moment."

Affraun raised his head back up and knelt down anticipating what was so important that they needed him for.

"It has come time, Affraun, for you to fly the nest and head east to Iepral."

Affraun recoiled at this statement, he'd never left the area around the city before.

"You are needed as an ambassador in Ethleron." they continued, "The humans there want to hear from our finest hunter to see what they can do to improve their hunting output."

"Yes, of course!" Affraun spouted without thinking, "But I've never left Chantree."

"Why is that a problem?" they inquired, "As one who faces challenges every day you of all people should know how to overcome adversity."

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