Chapter 5: A Change of Path

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"Hey, I said, are you okay?"

Affraun looked up to see the old man gazing down upon him.

"Ugghh my head." He replied struggling.

"Nasty fall there." he smirked, "Let's get you into the city."

Inside, he was taken to the castle and given some ale and a bed. As he lay in it, he saw a legion of knights go by wearing shiny armor bearing an Imperial symbol. Among those knights was Sir Joseph. The knights walked up to the great hall where the mayor of Ethleron sat. They bowed to him and he nodded in return. He was about to speak when a courier burst through the door and handed him a letter.

To all Mayors,

Greetings. There have been rumors of a dragon ravaging the area outside of Orthrask. More specifically our Western Watchtower. Please send any who are willing to come to the aid of the city.

Reward 5000 gold.

The Mayor read the note aloud. Seeing the group of Patrolmen before him he asked which of them would be brave enough to slay the dragon. Only one of the men was brave enough to come forward. Sir Joseph stepped through the other cowering Patrolmen and knelt valiantly in front of the mayor.

"It would be an honor to help Iepral in a crisis such as this." he bellowed proudly.

Affraun overheard this, got up, and walked into the throne room. A chance to slay such a beast, he thought, a mighty hunt indeed.

"I would also like to volunteer to take on the beast." he shouted.

Sir Joseph turned to face he who shared his courage. An Elf, he thought, that's different. Affraun walked closer to Sir Joseph, the two now standing side by side in front of the Mayor.

"Now then." the mayor began, "It is with great honor that I bestow upon you two horses, a pack of food and water, and weapons, for your journey."

They gathered their supplies, Affraun selecting a longbow from the armory to use. They mounted the horses and then they were on their way, already having forgotten about their previous engagements.

"I admire your bravery, elf." said Sir Joseph.

"Thanks." replied Affraun, "Are you a Royal Knight?"

"Patrolman actually. Only have been for three days. Sir Joseph's the name but you can call me Joseph if you prefer."

"Well met Joseph, I am Affraun, I'm afraid not quite as professional as you are but a top rate hunter amongst elves for sure."

"Ah wonderful, then it should do good to have you here to help slay this beast."

"Have you seen a dragon before?"

"No not at all, but I've heard plenty of stories."

They drifted on in silence, both wondering what kind of threat a dragon could present to them.

"Well we are going to stop in at Hraksburg and Arkhathen for rest on the way there." Sir Joseph said finally breaking the silence, "I've never been to Arkhathen though, I wonder what it's like."

"I've never been either."

"Foreigner huh?" questioned Sir Joseph, "Hraksburg's nice enough, and they have the best ale in all of Iepral in my opinion."

"I'm not well versed in ale, but I'd love to try it when we get there."

The two continued trading gleeful stories of their homelands and before they knew it, they were at the gates of Hraksburg. Affraun had seen nothing like it before, huge stone spires, walls and buildings, crowded streets. Sir Joseph however was happy to be back home. They walked inside and headed first towards the tavern as per Sir Joseph's recommendation. When they entered 'The Royal Stock' the tavernkeep turned to greet them but stopped upon seeing who stood before him.

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