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Qui-Gon Jinn and his master Dooku walk up to their old rusted ship that has clearly seen some better days. "Dooku, what planet are we going to"? Asked Qui-Gon. "We are going to a planet called Tatooine a sandy place so be careful" Dooku replied. Dooku and his padawan land at the sandy and dusty planet. "Right Qui-Gon, you get us a drink I'll wait here for you" Dooku said while sweating a lot. "You really need that drink" Qui-Gon replied. Dooku gives Qui-Gon some wupiupi coins. "Here now hurry up" Dooku said.

Qui-Gon runs to a nearby market. "2 glasses of Blue Milk please" Qui-Gon said. "Sure pal... 26 wupiupi coins" said the seller who was young Toydarian. Qui-Gon gives the Toydarian the 26 coins. "Next"! The Toydarian yelled. Qui-Gon confused asked "where is my drink"?! "I SAID NEXT"! The Toydarian Screamed at Qui-Gon.

Qui-Gon pulls out his green lightsaber. "Give me the milk"! Qui-Gon yelled at the Toydarian. "NEXT"!! the Toydarian yelled again clearly ignoring Qui-Gon. "3,2,1" Qui-Gon then cuts of both of his arms. "AYE Take the milk yo-" Say anything else and I will finish you here for everyone to see". Qui-Gon whispered into his ear.

Qui-Gon walk's up to Dooku and gives him the glass milk. "Right, we shall go back to Corasuant" Dooku said. "Not so fast".. Said a voice in the Shadows. "Who is there"? Asked Dooku. The masked person takes off his mask.
"Ah, Master Eeth Koth, I see your still hiding from the Jedi". Dooku said to him. Koth pulls out his red lightsaber. "I was sent to kill you and I will not fail".

Dooku and Qui-Gon both pull out their lightsabers. Koth force-pushes Qui-Gon to the ship. Dooku rushes to Koth and swings his lightsaber at him. Dooku and Koths lightsaber's clash of eachother with sparks falling off. Qui-Gon sprints back up to Dooku and Koth. Qui-Gon joins the battle and stabs Koth in the arm. "Agh" Koth Screamed.

Dooku brings Koth to the ground. "Who is your master"? Dooku asked. "I would never tell you.." Koth replied while in extreme agony. "Qui-Gon take his lightsaber". Qui-Gon walk's up to Koth and takes his red lightsaber. Dooku drags Koth up to their ship while still in extreme pain.

"Tell us your master Koth or we will have to kill you right here" Qui-Gon said. "I would never tell you" Koth said. With no other choice Qui-Gon stabes his green lightsaber into Koths eye then into his stomach. "You didn't have to do that Qui-Gon" Dooku said to him. "He wasn't going to tell us" Qui-Gon said to him.

Dooku walk's to the control panel and starts the ship. "Off we go to Corascant" Dooku said to Qui-Gon. "Master, you said the Koth was a Jedi" "Yes I did" Dooku replied. "Why did he leave"? Asked Qui-Gon "He didn't leave he was Forced to leave by Grandmaster Yaddle and her  padawan Tenebrous". Dooku said.

"Tenebrous who is that"? Qui-Gon asked curiously. "My former Master, he was great but very powerful" Dooku replied to Qui-Gon. "He was kind and would do anything for his loved ones". "The last thing I heard from him was; Twice the Pride, Double the Fall". Dooku said to Qui-Gon. After moments of talking and being in space the land on Corascant.

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