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evie watched as malakai approached her across the oval from his pe session with the cumlords. "hey." she mumbled, pecking malakai on the lips. "you good?"

"yeah....starving though." he noticed evie's bruises had started to lighten and she was wearing them freely now. "you alright? you look tired." the brunette asked, looking at evie's tired eyes. "have you been sleeping?"

"yeah... sometimes." she muttered. "i've gotta go help ams with her fundraiser so i'll see you later?" she asked and malakai nodded. "cool." she walked off with her head down and a smile.

once changed in the bathrooms into a black pencil skirt and white button up, glasses on the bridge of her nose and her blonde hair in a slick bun with a pen holding it together. it was so 'office core' as darren put it. they even helped her pick out some chic pointy toed heels to wear.

"get your game face on ams we're gonna make so much money." evie said to amerie, seeing the amount of older men in the room, evie unbuttoned a couple of her shirt buttons before walking in confidently.

she went straight over to the oldest looking man and began her networking charm. she took amerie's blazer and began networking more and more people in the room until it finished.

the next day at school, people surrounded a pit on the oval that the cumlords had dug and there were a dozen little notes all propped up on sticks. confessions.

i love her but i don't belong here.

evie looked at that one, there was familiar handwriting but she couldn't place who's it was until malakai snatched it up and threw it on the floor so no one could see.

"i gave myself an infection trying to shave my balls. alright lads drop em." darren said and evie snickered a little before seeing a sad sort of look on malakai's face.

spider looked around the group. "alright, fess up, who did it?" he looked at evie who just shrugged. he knew she would've been honest if she'd done that.

"betrayed by my dick. actual lol." sasha pointed out.

spider picked up a picture. "surprise surprise look who's responsible." everyone turned to amerie who did it again. she now had the nickname pit cunt.

"malakai stop it wasn't me! i dug them up so i would know how you were feeling because you weren't talking to me." amerie said as she chased after malakai. what did she mean? "are you gay?" evie furrowed her eyebrows.

"for fuck sake!" malakai exclaimed. "i just needed some space to figure out my own shit. okay?"

"did you ever like her or was she just for show? because her feelings about you haven't changed." amerie was doing this for evie. it made sense now. "i just wish you'd talk to me about these things malakai we're friends."

"if i wanted to talk to you i would have. did you ever think of that?" malakai snapped back.

"i know i'm supposed to wait until you're ready but if you're gay what does that make evie?" amerie asked and evie finally decided to step into the conversation.

"i'm not gay, i'm bi and whatever friendship we had? it's over just forget it." malakai spat and he turned to see evie standing there.

"i wasn't— i wasn't eavesdropping malakai i was just walking past and i heard you two arguing and.." evie paused for a second, looking up at malakai. "you're bi." she stated.

"yeah." he confirmed and evie smiled. "you're not mad?" the brunette asked and evie shook her head.

"no, why would i be mad?" she asked, looping her arm through his as they walked across the oval. "you're exploring your sexuality, i did the same thing. we all need to find ourselves, i'm glad you've found yourself." she grinned.

"oh.. good. yeah good." he smiled.

"and if you... i mean. well if you want to continue what's going on between us.. if you ever wanna like invite you know like a third, a guy, you can." she confirmed. "just not spider. i could be convinced about ant." malakai snorted.

they were quiet for a moment and evie stopped them on the grass. "but if you wanna put a pause on us whilst you go and figure out your sexuality then we can. that's okay too." the blonde confirmed, looking up at malakai through her long lashes.

"yeah? i think that might be a good idea. just while i find out what i'm doing with me." he rubbed his thumb on the back of evie's hand and she nodded. "thank you evie." he kissed the top of her head.

"malakai." she called out as he was walking away. "one more, since it'll be our last for however long?" the blonde asked and malakai came back over with a goofy grin, cupping evie's face as he kissed her.

𝐁𝐀𝐃 𝐇𝐀𝐁𝐈𝐓, malakai mitchell Where stories live. Discover now