Megan's POV

The day ends and I begin to walk home. The distance from school to my house isn't too bad. It gives me time to think.
I stare at my feet as they take each step. Harry's words ringing through my head.

"Let's get one thing straight. Your mine"

What does he mean 'his'?! I'm not anybody's...yet. Not a ton of cute guys at this school. Bummer. A few minutes later I start to zone out (which I have a huge habit of doing). After who knows how long, I arrive at my house. My large bright blue house.

I walk in the door and look around. Nobody's home I think. I walk to the kitchen and start making a sandwich. School makes me hungry. I hear the sound of heavy footsteps enter the kitchen and turn to see my brother Niall. He is in collage, online of course ,because he needs to stay here to take care of me till I graduate.

When I was little my parents died in a fire. It happened when was a baby. A fire started (the police never found out how) and my dad got me and my brother out safely. My mom was asleep, so he went back inside to get her. Neither of them ever came out. We went to live with my grandma and she recently died of old age. Niall has taken care of me ever since.

Niall walks over to me and takes the knife I was using to apply the Mayo to my bread and chuckles.

"Baby sister you have no clue how to make a good sandwich" he laughs and pulls out more bread and starts to make two sandwiches. He puts almost every thing he can find on them. I look at him in wonder and disgust as he puts on the finishing touches and puts the top pieces of bread on the tops. He puts them each on a plate and hands one to me. We both head over to the kitchen table and sit down. He starts eating his immediately and I begin to get worried because he is barely taking breaths between each huge bite and might choke on it. He finishes it fast.

"You gonna eat that?" He says gesturing to my sandwich. I shake my head and slide it to him. He smiles and begins to dig in. I can't take any more of this. He is so gross. I stand up and push my chair in, then head upstairs to my room.

The afternoon goes by fast and I get majorly bored after a while so I pull out my sketchbook and start to draw a face. Not really sure who it is though. Sometimes I just draw random features and whoever it reminds me of, is who I start to make it look like. I don't know why. I guess I'm just weird. I love to draw. I'm decent at it, wouldn't call myself really an artist.

It's really late at night and I'm still sketching features, not really realising who I'm drawing. It isn't long before I drift off to sleep at my desk

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