Megan's POV

My neck is aching. I sit up straight and rub it. I fell asleep at my desk. Hello neck ache for the rest of the day. Nice job Megan. I look down at my sketchbook and it takes me a second to realise exactly who I drew.

I drew Harry.

I start to freak out. Why the hell would I draw him?! He's just a cocky jerk who isn't worth the pencil lead. Ugh.

I slam my sketchbook shut and look around. I have seven minutes to get ready.


I jump up, almost flipping the chair over and start to frantically throw my clothes on. Shitshitshitshit. I brush my hair and put in my contacts. I grab my back pack and run downstairs. On the way down, I trip and tumble down the steps all the way to the bottom and land on my stomach. I turn over only to see Louis standing next to the stairs railing which I should've held onto looking both highly amused and worried. I laugh, attempting to make this situation less embarrassing. He laughs with me and extends his hand to me which I take, and he helps me up. He smiles.

"Your cute" he says, dazed. I blush. I have a feeling he didn't mean to say that. He snaps back to reality and face palms.

"Did I say that out loud?" He mumbles into his hand.

"Yeah kinda" I giggle. He leads me out to his car like nothing happened and opens the door for me

"Why thank you kind sir" I say In my fancy voice.

"Your very welcome miss" he says, sounding weird. We both laugh and get into the car heading off to school.

"Tell me about yourself" he breaks the silence.

"Oh well um...i live with my brother and...i like to draw" I point to the sketchbook that barely fits in my pack. He smiles and I continue "my favorite color is green...and I can't think of much else" I laugh. He looks over at me, smiling and looking into my eyes

"Oi eyes on the road" I chuckle. He shakes his head and returns his attention back to the road.

"Can't help myself" he mumbles.

"What was that?" I raise an eyebrow

"Nothing" he responds without missing a beat. It isn't long before we get to school. He parks his car and we both go our separate ways.

I walk to the building expecting the boys to react like they did yesterday, but most of them looked away as I walked by. Some even turned and quickly walked away. Weeeiiirrrd.

"Megan!! Are you even paying attention?" Mrs Atkins raises her voice. I nod my head, returning to reality. The rest of the class drags on. Science science science blah blah blah. I already know all this shit. You see, when I was a total spaz, I studied ahead a few school years because I had lots of free time. I was such a loser.

The bell snaps me out of yet another daydream and I quickly grab my things and rush to lunch. I go through the lunch line and get a salad and a few dressing packs along with an apple. Yum. I look around for an empty table, yesterday I didn't have to deal with this because some dipshit teacher gave me lunch detention and I had to sit silently in his classroom as I ate.

I scan the crowd of lunch tables again and spot a familiar face.


I walk over to him and his group of intimidating friends and sit next to him.

"Oh hey it's that girl you told us about" a guy with a dark brown quiff and caramel eyes says checking me out "you picked a good one"

Harry's fists clenched

"Back off zayn" he practically growled. When Harry looked away from me I winked at Zayn and his eyes widened slightly, surprised. I giggled.

"How is she in bed styles?" He looked at harry. So that's his last nam- wait what. In bed? I would not sleep with that jerk. I mean yeah he is cute but he's a fucking psycho. Pinning me up against lockers and shit. Creepy.

"We aren't sleeping together. We aren't even together, he just 'claimed' me against my will. Ha. Ha. No." I said sarcastically, taking a bite of my salad.


Hey guys it's me, Bailey. Just wanted to jump in and say the girl who plays Megan is actually my sister in real life. Not really a way you can look up what she looks like so just look at the cover. She's on there.

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