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Holiday Kolari is everything Steve Rogers despises.

He often wonders why S.H.I.E.L.D. let a snake like her into their ranks. Probably Stark's meddling. Kolari is his little pet project, a sorry excuse for a soldier. If it weren't for his refusal to accept her, Stark probably would've tried to invite her to join the Avengers. The Avengers. Steve Rogers is a good man who tries to accept others. What he is not, however, is a fool who trusts a girl who has an uncanny ability to speak right to the soul.

Maybe he's being a little harsh. Kolari did save Sharon once by, well, the specifics are weird. Steve heard that all she had to do was whack Sharon's chest and her soul went right back in. The two are close now, even roommates. But it was also an accident, and Kolari hasn't been able to replicate the effect ever since. 

All she's done so far is persuade Sam—with that silver tongue of hers—to let her borrow his soul. How she got him to agree is beyond Steve, because neither of them bothered telling him. The only reason he realized was because Kolari was shooting perfectly, when the mere sound of a gun used to make her tremble. Also, Stark wasn't exactly humble when it came to sharing his newfound discoveries.

Enough. The concept itself is disgusting.

He's also considered asking Stark how it works, but he's not curious enough to walk all over his dignity.

It turns out Steve doesn't have to ask. Kolari's rapid rise through the ranks forces him to watch her, by will of his superiors. A little soldier. The joke gets to the point where he's asked whether she's fit to join his team. Even Natasha, with her never-ending standards for training, looks proud. Not to mention Stark's smug grin. The little pet project is becoming S.H.I.E.L.D.'s pride and glory. 

Not his country's, though. Captain America is still the nation's sweetheart, and he will be as long as he doesn't make any major mistakes. What are the odds of that happening? It's not like he's going to kill Stark.

Then Nick Fury decides that the best person to keep him alive is the one girl Steve Rogers might actually strangle.

He's not one for profanity, but—

Goddamn you, Kolari.

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