First Meeting

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“Yuka, you're going to be late! Hurry up!!“, my Mom shouting from downstairs. “I'm coming, Mom!“, running downstair straight to the car.

“It's your first day at school and as a transferred student at that. Mind your manners, young lady”, my Mom chuckles. I just nodded and smirked.

Hi, I'm Yuka Hasegawa. Yes, I'm a Japanese but just moved to Korea for a certain reason. Today is my first day at School of Performing Art (SOPA) in Seoul. And no, I'm not a trainee whatsoever. I'm a professional painter and a former geisha apprentice (or often called Maiko). SOPA should be a good place for me to learn more about art from Korean perspective, right?

Our car is approaching the building of SOPA. “Nervous?“, my Mom asked me. “Never been better hahaha wish me luck!”, I hugged my Mom and get out from the car.

Honestly, this is as expected. All of their eyes are pointing at me. That's a sharp judging look right there for sure. Screw it. Let's just focus on finding the teacher room.

Okay nevermind. I got lost. Dang it.

I'm trying to find the right way based on the map sent by the homeroom teacher to my Mom. “Hey, are you the transferred student?“, a boy asked me. Dang.. his nose could cut veggies for real. “Wow, is your pointed nose real?“, I blurt out my thoughts. “OH NO SORRY I MEAN YES I'M LOOKING FOR THE TEACHER ROOM”, I got flustered so bad, I wanna die. That boy just laugh so loud and explaining the direction to the teacher room. I thank him and run as fast as I can.

“What an interesting girl she is”, the boy said.

After I arrived at the teacher room, the homeroom teacher greeted me with joy and showing me the way to the classroom. It's time for flower arrangement class. Perfect. Some skills I could at least be proud of.

“Everyone, pay attention, please. We are going to have a new friend here. She just moved to Korea from Japan. Yuka, please introduce yourself”, said the teacher.

“Hi everyone. I'm Yuka Hasegawa. A Japanese, yes. I just moved to Korea for a certain reason. I hope we could get along well. Nice to meet you all”, trying to smile. Career smile.

“Pfft!..“, a boy blurted his laugh.

I'm trying to see his face. Dang it. He is that boy with a sharp nose. He is my classmate. Nice. Now he will embarrass me even more.

“Seokmin-ah, Yuka will sit next to you, on that empty seat. Help her to adjust here, okay?“, asked the teacher. That boy's name is Seokmin. Okay.

Seokmin only shown his thumb to the teacher.

“Okay, Yuka. Have a seat.“, said the teacher.

I walked to my seat and preparing my books. Everything should be in order

“Hi Yuka. I'm Lee Seokmin. Let's get along well“, asked Seokmin with a mocking smile. “Yeah sure. Let's get along really well”, I smirked.

The bell for break time is ringing and the 1st period class is over. After the teacher leaving the class, suddenly dozen of boys, yes, dozen, came to our class.

“Seokmin-ah!! Let's go eat some lunch!“, shout the tallest boy. “Yuka, want to join us? We could show you around, you know?“, asked Seokmin. “Nah thanks. I'm having my bent-”, I stopped. That tall boy with puppy eyes looking at me and said “BENTOOO? CAN I LOOK? JAPANESE BENTO EVERYONE!!“.

“What the actual world—”, I looked at them coming to my table like they are having a Yakuza war.

“Hey don't be like that to Yuka. She is new here”, Seokmin said. “Well everyone knew that she is the transferred student, Dokyeomie”, said the pretty guy with sweater.

“Jeonghan-hyung, appreciate him a little hahaha”, said the tall guy. “Mingyu-yaaa, my friend 🥹”, Seokmin walk to hug the tall guy, his name is Mingyu, I guess.

“Ew”, Mingyu hide behind the glasses guy. “Alright alright kids. Let's go have our lunch and leave Yuka alone. She is overwhelmed with you guys being noisy. Sorry Yuka. I'm Seungcheol, class 3-1 with Jeonghan (the pretty guy) and Joshua (the bambi faced guy). This one is Jun (handsome guy), Wonwoo (glasses guy), Jihoon (shortest of them all), Soonyoung (cute guy), Minghao (mullet guy), Seungkwan (another cute guy), Vernon (western guy?), and Dino (cute guy with a smile)”, said Seungcheol.

“Wow that was a long introduction. Nice to meet you all. Let's get along well. I'm Yuka Hasegawa.“, I smiled.

After that, the boys left the classroom and I enjoying my bento in peace, FINALLY.

-To be continued-

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