First Meetings

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Back at the Jade Palace, the crowd continues to cheer for the Dragon Warrior as the palace pigs bring Mothra (still in the ruined palanquin) to the top of the palace stairs and inside the main building. They drop Mothra to the ground and quickly exit.

Mothra: Thank you for taking me here but I-

The doors close, leaving Mothra alone in the room.

Mothra: Great alone now.

She slowly turns around to see different paints, armor, and weapons.

Mothra: Oh this place looks cool.

She then begins to walk around the place. She looks around at all the artifacts including a red and yellow rhino body suit with spikes, even an empty display holding thin air. A green sword that Mothra. The only artifact she knew about.

Mothra: The Sword of The Last Hope. Used by the first genetically-engineered guardian. It's said to be so sharp, that you can cut yourself just by looking right at i-. OW!

She sees a gash on her hand. She spites up some silk to be like a bandage.

Mothra: What is this place? Why would they have that sword?

She then continued looking around the building she gazing at paintings and examines other kung fu artifacts... and then spots an urn which appears to be glowing from the inside. She then walk up to it.

Mothra: That's, freaky.

Then Mothra antennae start glowing along with her eyes. But then they stop.

Mothra: Woah a urban filled with souls.

Shifu [From out of view]: Have you finished sight-seeing?

Mothra the quickly looked at the urn, confused

Mothra: We'll sorry I didn't see you first. I hope I didn't make you all feel bad.

Shifu [From out of view]: My patience is
wearing thin.

Jin: Oh now your just being rude. I mean, it's not like you were going anywhere.

Shifu From out of view]: Do turn around.

Mothra: Sure.

She turns her head to the left and sees She then looks back at the urn, realizes where the voice is coming from, and quickly looked back at Shifu, who was glaring at her. With, like he said, thin patience.

Mothra: (Close her eyes.) Oh. Ooooh. I am an idiot. (Open them and looks at Shifu.) Sorry for not seeing you.

Shifu: So you're the legendary Dragon Warrior? Hmm?

Mothra: Well, everyone's saying I am but I'm actually a-.

Shifu: Wrong!

Mothra: Eep!

Mothra then straightend her standing and looked at Shifu.

Shifu: You are not the Dragon Warrior. You will never be the Dragon Warrior until you have learned the secret of the Dragon Scroll.

With his staff, he points up at the ceiling at the scroll.

Mothra: (Has confused expression) Is there like something that holds it in place up there? How often do you guys have to put it back up there when there's a really strong breeze? But how did you even get it up there in the first place?

Shifu is about to say something but stops, looking up towards the scroll for a moment before shaking his head with frustration.

Shifu: Stop changing the subject! Do you really think it will be that easy? That I'm just going to hand you the secret to limitless power?

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