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Ramil's senses spiked. He could hear a human male's voice echoing from outside the library. He sensed danger. He pulled up Punn to a corner, well hidden behind some tall greeny flowers and trees. "Stay here," he said.

He left Punn and walked down the hallway to the front yard just in time to meet Jet who was also hurriedly jogging down toward him.

"What's happening? Whose voice is that?" Ramil asked.

Jet paused to breath. "It's some guy, says he's Punn's brother."

"What? Punn's brother is here? What does he want?" Ramil asked.

"He came to take his brother home."

Ramil's eyes widened. "How did he know Punn is here?"

"I don't know man. He's threatening to call the police."

"He can't do that. We are not done with the ritual."

Jet sighed. He was also aware of the repercussions of leaving the ritual half done. They were already running out of time. "What will happen if Punn doesn't return home."

Ramil gave the situation a thought. "What's his name?"


Ramil's eyes flashed red. "I will talk to him."


"And if he proves stubborn I will have to hypnotize him. I can't let Punn leave the library. Not yet."

Jet tried to stop Ramil.

Ramil sighed. "Don't worry, I will handle him."

Ramil reached the front of the library and saw Peat pacing about in anger, yelling on top of his voice.
"Where is my brother? Where are you keeping him?"

"Hey, what do you want?" Ramil aaked covering the distance between them.

"It's been two days since my brother came to this library and he is not home yet. What did you do to him?"

Ramil cocked his eyebrow. "I think you're mistaken, your brother is not here."

"I'm sure he came here," Peat retorted exhaling air as getting ready for a fight. He looked at Ramil, taken aback from his all black attire, highlighted by his bloodshot eyes. He knew the fight was something he night not win. There was something mysterious about Ramil. "And who are you huh? Are you some mafia or what?"

Ramil smirked. Then he smiled. In the same breath he growled, widened his mouth and bared his fangs. "My name is Ramil."

Peat froze.

Ramil fixed his eyes on Peat, holding him in a hypnotic gaze.
"Listen carefully. You will turn back and go home because your brother is not here. Do you understand?"

Peat's eyes dilated, turning a darker shade. He nodded slightly suddenly paralyzed with so much hypnotic energy emanating from Ramil's eyes. "My brother...he...is not here." Peat repeated as he turned around like a robot and marched down the road.

Jet who was watching from the corner, approached Ramil.
"How did it go?"

"I had to hypnotize him, he won't remember anything for the next seven days."

"Shiaaa... Seven days! The boy will go insane!" Jet facepalmed.

"I don't care. Just get things ready for the ritual. The earlier we're done with it the better for all us."

Jet made to leave and stopped. "And...um, Ciar is awake, but probably feeling too bad to show his face to the kid."

"I know. I hope he learned his lesson," Ramil said. He quickly returned to the place he'd left Punn and to his surprise, Punn wasn't there.

"Punn?" Ramil called. There so many forbidden stuff in this library that can outright hurt humans or cripple them for life. Ramil feared for the worst.

"Punn?" He called again as he walked down the maze, filled with tall trees and shrubs. There was no sign of the boy.

Where the heck was he? Ramil wondered. His senses spiked when he picked up Punn's scent in the gardens at the backyard. He traced him and found the boy plucking flowers from... no, a Liden tree.

"Punn! What are you doing?" Ramil yelled.

Ramil stormed to his side and jerked the white and pink rareflower, from Punn's hands and threw them to the ground. "Do you want to be poisoned? I told you not to move!"

Ramil held Punn on his wrist and they strode back to the building. Ramil was fuming with anger he had no idea he was hurting the boy.

Punn managed to pull his hand off Ramil's grip and cried. "Stop you're hurting me."

Ramil widened his eyes, "Are you...?"

Before he could finish his statement, Punn ran off.

Using speed motion, Ramil appeared in front of Punn. He felt Punn shivered in fear.
"Did I do something wrong?" Punn asked.

Ramil watched in shock as tears clouded the boy's eyes. Ramil gestured annoyingly in the air. "I was trying to save your life..."

"I don't want to talk to you, just let me go." Punn pushed Ramil aside.

Stepping away, Ramil watched the boy jogged down the hallway, got into a room and shut the door behind him.

Ramil rolled his neck in frustration. He wasn't sure where this was going anymore. His heart thumped two times faster than normal.

Was it jealousy he felt just now, or the fact that he suddenly felt the urge to protect the boy no matter what. He was gradually realising that he not only wanted Punn for the ritual.

He wanted something more.

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