Chapter 1

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Navya's POV

"You bloody hell tell me the name of your boss or else you f*cker will see the hell on earth." I said this while continuing the torture as I made to put his head in boiled water. Still the man didn't tell I took out my gun and shoots on his arm. Then  I started my fav torture by peeling his skin from a peeler. And accidentally my shirt gets soaked to blood."You f*cking a*shole, you ruined my outfit, Vinit bhai gave me this on my birthday" ,I said this by making a fake sad face. I ordered the guards to continue the torture as I moved my legs towards the shower to clean myself and changed my outfit. I made my steps towards my favourite car (Black Buggati's La Voiture Noire).

I drove towards my penthouse to park the Buggati as if my family would saw they will pass out at that spot only

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I drove towards my penthouse to park the Buggati as if my family would saw they will pass out at that spot only. Then took an cab towards my sweet homie. I was welcomed by mamma's protest as she was angry because I was missing from my home since last evening. My Mom said "Avu beta you should at least inform us before doing your stunts, you each and everytime make us worried. Next time you do something I will snatch your laptop." She said in a complaining tone but the last sentence with threat. I then started to justify the reason by lieing to mom as this is one my best talents I said to her " Sorry ma actually one of my friend was not well so I took her night shift and I am really sorry I forgot to inform you." I said in a convincing tone. And as usual maa was satisfied, she believed it . Then she ordered me to freshen up and come downstairs for breakfast as it was 8 AM.

When I entered my room I got a call from my burner phone " Ma'am, wu ac..tually something happened to our package, some other mafia tried to interfere it. And they were successfull in it." , as she finished the line I clenched my fist in anger. And replied "where was your f*cking whole team that some sh*t entered the queen's property and you can't even catch them." The other side girl said with quavering "Ma'am wu.. we were misleaded." I replied with an angry tone and a little suprise, " how those f*ckers even could think of it. Find them soon or else death will find a way to you." I said last line with threat. I disconnected the call. And moved my steps towards the shower as I was tensed so took a hot shower to calm down myself after that I  took out Indian traditional suit as my today's outfit and  did my skincare.

 And moved my steps towards the shower as I was tensed so took a hot shower to calm down myself after that I  took out Indian traditional suit as my today's outfit and  did my skincare

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I was heading downstairs towards dining area I found that Vinit bhai was also there. I started to run towards him and hugged him as we met a month later. I asked him that was their any reason of this unexpected arrival. Vinit bhai said " Ha (Yes), Firstly I was missing my Avu and second I came to inform you as my marriage has been fixed." I shouted with excitement "sach mein bhai ( really brother), now tell me who is my bhabhi" I said last line with teasing tone. Someone from door said "it's none other than your bestie Miss Vidya Mahajan or to be Mrs Vidya Vinit Oberoi." as we heard her voice everyone glance were set on doors as she was none other than my Vidzz, I ran to hug her tightly then I congratulated her and told her how much I am excited  for their marriage. As moreover she tells that engagement is 10 days later and the marriage is 5 days after the engagement. After breakfast we both bestie decide to tell this news to our friends gang so, we headed towards the cafe.

Hey Readers hope so you would like the chapter as I will try to update it soon because my holidays are there till June. Please vote and comment as it will motivate to write futher.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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