i. convinced

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CHAPTER ONE   ✶𓏲ּ꩜ .ᐟ
(    in real life    &    social media    )

TALIA'S EYE TWITCHED AS SHE ONCE AGAIN CAUGHT THE SMUDGE OF BLUE ON THE WHITE OF A CLOUD. The slight spasm of her hand had caused the destruction of the entire painting. She wanted to rip the canvas apart the minute that it happened, but luckily Clara had been there to calm her down. Now, she was alone—no one there to stop her from smearing black paint all over the picture.

She decided against her dramatic urge and instead stepped away from the canvas completely, wandering into her kitchen to pour herself a cup of hot tea. Her entire day had been spent cooped inside of her apartment, sitting on a stool and staring at the unfinished painting in demise.

Luckily, it wasn't for a project or else she'd be way past the due date. Talia had been working on the painting for the past seven weeks, clawing desperately at her mind to try and figure out what she wanted to portray.

It was unusual for her to not have a picture in her mind of exactly what the painting was going to look like from the moment her brush first stroked the canvas. There was constantly different ideas churning in her mind, to which she would usually capture them all in beautiful art work. Unfortunately, none of these things had been the case lately. Talia was stuck with dull thoughts and little to no motivation.

It was as if she was beginning to bore herself with her own work. Nothing she's painted in the last few months has seemed to satisfy her artistic aspirations. Every flower or window pane she sketched only made it more difficult for her to enjoy what she was doing.

Talia took a sip from her cup just as her phone began to ring from somewhere inside the apartment. She furrowed her brows, glancing at the time displayed on the microwave. Who would be calling her at 11 o'clock at night?

She found her phone in between two couch cushions, her sketchbook sitting beside it. There were pages full of scribbled out drawings—evidence of Talia's recent irritation within her profession. Talia quickly cut her eyes away from the taunting sheets of paper, not wanting to think about her current lack of creativity.

The picture of Clara with paint all over clothes and skin took up Talia's entire phone screen. Talia smirked, the photo triggering the hilarious memory of exactly how Clara got herself into that situation. It was safe to say that Clara would never take another dance break around her paint station.

"Why are you calling me so late at night?" Talia asked instead of greeting her friend with a normal hello. She squished the phone in between her ear and shoulder as she began to move the sketchbooks back into its rightful drawer in the TV stand.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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