Character list

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Alex: (Alexander Wilson) The son of rose and wade he has roses powers of invisibility. 16 year old boy his best friends is matt. Matt is the only one who knows about his powers. Alex is known to be the shy guy in class because he sits in the back hiding his face from everyone with the hood of his jacket. Matt was the only one whoever cared enough to try and talk to him back in middle school. before that alex was a bit of an outcast in elementary school he was bullied and picked on for being so shy. alex's father wade left him and his mother rose when alex was three. alex's mom tells him that it was for the best that he leave and one day he'd come back for alex and her. alex now being 16 it's been 13 years since he's seen heard or had any contact to his father. alex doesn't take it to heart that his father is a jerk who left him and his mom and he doesn't let it affect the way he views the world it makes him want to be a better person although he finds it hard because of how different he is from the other people in the world. Matt is the only one who knows about his powers beside his mother rose who also has the same power.

Robin: (Robin Silver ) 16 year old girl new to alex's school. has been kicked out of the last three high schools shes went to. she is know as a "troublemaker". despite her untrue label she enjoys taking pictures and loves music. with her best camera always at her side she watches the world from behind the lens and when she doesn't have the camera pressed to her face she's known to always have her sunglasses on observing the people and things around her. Robin has the label of "troublemaker"because she's has a hard time keeping her mouth shut, it's usually a good reason why she gets into so much trouble. Robin got kicked out of her last school because she got in fights for blackmailing the cheerleaders. She use to love to take pictures of the cheerleaders cheating on their boyfriends and send the pictures to the guys. the school before that one she got kicked out for rubbing poison ivy on a cheerleaders car. lets just say that some of the football team and cheerleaders couldn't go to the next couple games. The first school she got kicked out of was because she tried to blackmail a teacher. its pretty easy to see why she could be labeled a troublemaker but she has reasoning behind her madness. She thinks if she blackmails these people to be nicer and kinder she's helping the world but the schools dont think its very helpful.

Matt: (Matthew Glassman) 16 year old boy. Alex's best friend knows about his powers. Matt is a computer genius.Matt met alex on the school bus to middle school on the third day when he saw alex getting poked at for always having his hoodie on. matt sat with him and talked to him and soon became great friends. Matt doesn't have powers like alex but he is a computer genius he can hack into anything with ease. Matt is the only one who knows about alex's powers because he accidentally saw him use them.alex couldn't try and pretend like he didn't just see him go invisible then reappear. Matt of course found it hard to take in because "whoa this dude just disappeared and then reappeared ". Matt soon adjusted to the idea of his best friend having superpowers and uses his hacking skill to help alex keep his powers a secret.

Lizzie: (Elizabeth Golden) Lizzie was alex's first girlfriend freshmen year. she moved away causing them to break up at the beginning of sophomore year now a year later you'd think alex would be over her and he is for the most part. anyways lizzie was cool she like the stars and anything to do with space alex fall hard for her because she wasn't like normal girls she was a fighter and a good one at that. alex meet her on the second day of freshman year in the nurse's office they both had got into fights. alex isn't usually a fighter but he had gotten upset and punched a kid after he pulled his hood off and pushed him out of his seat. getting to met lizzie was the highlight of his year. Matt didn't mind her he enjoyed how happy she made Alex.
half way through the year Alex showed her his powers and she didn't get scared away alex was so happy. the next month the three made a little group of heroes Matt the brains, Alex and lizzie were the bronze they enforced what needed to be. the small groups solved mysteries in the town and stopped crimes from happening ahead of time. after lizzie moved away and alex was heart broken the group slowed down and stopped working,. they haven't been the same since she moved away.

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