10- pain

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Kat had to pull her self together, not for herself but for Madie.

Casey had left an hour ago after calling Kats aunt a few towns over.

Madie was a mess when the paramedics had arrived, she truly did love Kats mother.

The two sisters were orphans now, luckily enough Madie was to go live with there aunt. Kat wouldn't be going to the aunts, she was nearly an adult and wasn't going to live with some aunt she barley new.

She would go on her own, Madie would be fine, she could actually have a happier life.

*two days later*

The funeral was to be on Saturday.

Casey hadn't barley left Kats side since her mother passed, Kat had made Madie go to her aunts and Kat had stayed over at Casey's. She couldn't handle being in there mothers house by her self.

Kat stumbled into Casey's room dressed in Casey's over sized clothes.

"Come here babe, try and sleep." He said with worried eyes.

Kat hadn't slept for two days properly. She tossed and turned and dreamt of wolfs ripping apart there mothers dead body . She woke screaming with Casey face over hers trying to calm her.

"Was it the dreams again?" Casey asked even though he already knew from her vicious tossing a turning.

"Yeah, there horrible.."

Kat turned away from Casey to roll on her side, she didn't want to have him see her cry for the hundredth time.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He ask cautiously.

She wanted to tell him, but the dream so vivid, so unlike anything Kat had every thought of before, it scared her beyond imagine. Only one thing kept replaying in her head, a piece of advice her mother had once told her before she got sick...

...'trust your dreams Kat, they tell you things no human can predict'

At the time Kat didn't know what her mother said meant anything, brushing it off, only now after having the same dream over and over, Kat could only think someone was trying to tell her something important. She just couldn't think what.

"No it will be ok, you wouldn't understand anyway."

Casey put his strong hand on Kats shoulder turning her over to lay on her back and face him.

"I would understand more than you know." A flash of something dark dashed behind his eyes, quickly replaced by concern.

"I tell you but don't freak out ok." Kat said finally sitting up in the bed and covering her bare legs so Casey wouldn't get distracted.

"Well they started right after mum passed, I'm running in a dark pine forest and the trees are closing in, my feet are bleeding, but when I look at my feet but there not my feet. There paws. I keep running and suddenly I'm out of the trees and at a clearing, I'm standing above my mother dead, unable to stop ripping her apart. And as I look into her glassed over eyes I see my reflection. Bloods every where and what's staring back up at me Is a massive white wolf with its muzzle covered in blood. Then I wake up. " Kat said after finishing to recalling the dream while sobbing slightly.

"I'm so sorry babe" says Casey caressing Kats hair softly after her recall of the dream. He hates seeing her like this.

She was in pain, and there's was nothing he could do.

That's another chapter. Hoped you liked it.


Listening to~ love me like you do, Elli Goulding.

Keep reading and keep smiling everyone! 💀🌻

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