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You know that feeling you get that you get after a really long sleep and you feel heavy, well that was how Kat felt. Getting knocked out was not pleasant. Either was getting dragged, over sticks and branches. Cuts laced Kats body as her attacker pulled her through the forest. Fragments of her of her torn clothes trailed behind her as they went. Katherine was battered and bruised.

Kat was coming back into consciousness from the blow, her head throbbed and her muscles ached. What was to become of Kat? Stuck in the middle of know we're, no one knows where she is to help and this brute is pulling her by her ankle through the forest.

Kats eyes fly open and it's dark, the moon shining in its full glory, at its apex and menacing in its full state. Kat, with a sudden bust of energy she yanks her foot out of his too strong grasp and stumbles to get up.

Once Kat regains her balance she barrels through the trees, the damp insect infested ground sloshes underfoot. Kats heart beat is screaming in her ears as she runs for her life. Somehow though her ragged breath and her screaming heartbeat she can hear them after her. And somehow through a miracle Kat is leaving them behind, her feet fly from the ground, as fast as a bullet. She ran as if to meet the moon, that slow dawned behind the trees.

She didn't know she could run that fast, I guess being afraid of you life helps with adrenaline.

After a long time Kat slows not hearing her pursers. Looking down at her feet, Katherine stops instantly and doesn't believe her eyes.

And it's as if everything hits her at once, first she notices she has massive white paws that replace her feet, second the green pendant that hangs around her neck is burning into her exposed skin and finally, all the pain from her pursers attack is catching up with her.

With a jolt Kat takes off again where she thinks the road would be and soon has to stop her self from ramming into her car.

Her hyperventilating was echoing through the tall forest as Kat freaked and fumble for the door. That's when she audibly noticed her Lack of clothes. She pulled the back door open and pulled out a hoodie and jeans and threw them on. Her hand gun was taken so she took from the back seat the rifle. It was harder to use closeup but still a gun nevertheless.

Before she new Kat was fly up the track not caring for the pot holes and turrets. She wanted to be as far away from this place as possible, her run in with the naked man scared the shit out of her.

From an out side viewer Katherine's attack it would be unthinkable to stay calm.

When her car broke away from the tree line it was if she could breath for the first time.  The confides of the forest where sickening and the wolves and the man only made it all that worse.

He only thought was to drive until the tank ran dry. After an hour of driving the great mighty pine forests started to disappear into the mirrors as Kat left the state.

By the Time the sun went down Kat was beyond tiered and drained by her attack earlier, as she flew down the road her car drove past a drive in hotel, she put the brakes on and threw the car to turn around and head back to the inviting hotel.

Kat pulled into a parking space and jumped down out of her truck. The sun was down and the stars shone brightly in the sky, the moon at its peak cast white light all around and Kat crept to the shadows whilst walking to the office to rent a room.

A bell on the door to the office alerted the owner of my arrival.

"Um i'd like to rent a room for the night if that's ok." Kat asks in her somber sleep deprived state.

The man behind the counter is scruffy, in the sense that he hasn't shaved in a fortnight and look as if he doesn't shower, but a strong aromatic smell wafts from the room which he just came from. The man is wearing a faded pink and white collared pyjama set.

"Sure dar'ing" he says in a thick accent.

"That'll be a 20 Hun." He says before reaching behind him and grabbing a key chain of a set of hooks for the rooms.

Kat fumbled in her pockets and pulled out a twenty before taking the the key of the man.

"Oh darling' before you go, I need a name fore the books." He ask.

Kat now that if she's going to go off the grid and become a ghost she has to use another name.

"Ambers the name" Kat replies without much hesitation.

"Room 15, up the stairs four rooms to the right."  He says as Kat is half way out the door.

"Thanks" she calls as The door closes behind her.

Kat walks back to her truck, the keys to her room clanking as she walks, Kat pulls her bag of clothes out of her car and locks it before heading up the stairs to her room.

Kat drops her bag at the door of her room and unlocks the door before picking her bag back up and pushing the door in.

It's not great, spider webs hang on the sills of the room, there are suspicious stains on the walls and carpet and it smell as if someone has burnt a pack of cigarettes in one go, but all Kat can afford and it's all she needs for her quick stay.

Leaving her bag in the end of the bed she heads for the shower.

Once she was finished, wrapped in a towel Kat walked back out to the bed to get dressed, the window was open, moonlight cast white light onto the burgundy carpet, Kat couldn't believe what she was seeing, in the light a Whispy figure of a white wolf sat, before Kat could blink again the wolf faded and dispersed in to the air.

The pendant at her neck pulsated and glowed gold, Kat looked down at it hanging  down her chest where it had scared already and the pain from the molten necklace stunned Kat causing her to fall in a heap on the fall, convolutions raking through her body.

She closed her eyes and gritted her teeth and waited for the pain to stop, but it didn't until she was no longer able to handle anymore, Kats will power stopped and she fell into unconsciousness. Her body sprawled awkwardly on the dirty carpet floor.


That's it till next chapter, hopefully I can finish This story so I can focus of my fanfic. Enjoy. Love you all.

Keep reading and smiling everyone! 💀🌻💀🌻💀

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