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Late one night Sierra returns home from the studio at nine, when she was younger she could stay at the studio all night but she was in her fifties now she was much older,she walked into the door taking off her shoes putting on sneakers as she takes her dog Lillie for a walk she knew it was a little late but she didn't mind she was only walking to her assistant

Kiersten's house a few down and then home, seemed simple right? Well as she was approaching her assistants house she is grabbed from behind she tried to fight them off but they were stronger than she was and they left her defeated she let go of her dogs leash and the dog knew just what to do it ran to Kiersten's back door running into the doggy door barking Kiersten heard her asking what's wrong but she just kept barking, Kiersten followed the pup to where her boss is trying to fight off her attacker Kiersten tried to fight him off a stranger even pulling over to help but it's no use the man picks up Sierra throws her in the backseat of his car and drove off unaware the strangers wife got the kidnappers license plate number on her phones camera, Kiersten says "thank you for trying to help" a tinge of sadness in her voice as the man says "it's no problem Kiersten" she replied "Melville what are you doing here?" He explains that him and his wife Sarah were heading home from dinner when he seen who he now knows was Sierra getting kidnapped, Sarah walks over saying she got a picture of his plates the three getting into the car going to the police after speaking with police the two drop Kiersten off at sierras home with Lillie in her arms, they offer to stay with her but she insists she will be alright as she goes inside, soon after just after eleven the news reports broke of Sierra being kidnapped and soon Kiersten's phone starts ringing off the hoom, first is luana  then Seraphina then adia Tristan Peck's daughter followed by Sierra's friend Mary all asking the same thing, what's going on? Where's sierra? Is she alright? All questions Kiersten didn't know how to answer, eventually she cried herself to sleep worried for her boss meanwhile while all this was going on Sierra was in a terrifying situation

Sierra sat terrified in the backseat of a car, her hands bound tightly behind her back. Tears streamed down her face as she cried out for her release. The male driver, a menacing figure, glanced back with a cruel expression and said, "Shut up. No one can't help you now."

Sierra's heart pounded as she continued to sob, her voice echoing in the confines of the car. The driver's eyes narrowed, and she reached back with a wooden spoon, striking Sierra on the leg with a force that stung. "I said, be quiet!" he hissed.

But Sierra terrified let a few hiccups out from crying the driver tells her she  needs to learn her lesson. So he continued to hit Sierra with the wooden spoon, causing her to cry even louder.

Eventually, the car arrived at a strange house, and sierra had no idea where they were. The driver led her inside, untied her, and shut the door. Sierra felt a mix of relief and uncertainty.

Later, the driver returned with food, but Sierra was too upset to eat. She missed her dog and her house and everyone close  to her terribly and wished she could go back to her comforting home.

The driver, his anger escalating, grew impatient. he left, warning sierra that the meal might be her last. "You better eat it," he sneered, "or you'll regret it."

Once the driver was gone, Sierra's anxiety grew. She knew the man was capable of doing terrible things. Her thoughts raced as she wondered how she could escape from this nightmare.

The driver returned to the room with a menacing look in his eyes. His anger had only intensified during his absence, and his face was contorted with a malevolent rage. He could hardly contain his fury as he saw Sierra, her untouched meal still sitting in front of her.

"What did I tell you, huh?" he barked, his voice oozing with malice. "You think you can just waste food like that?"

Sierra's eyes welled up with tears as she trembled in fear. She attempted to speak, to explain that she just couldn't eat, but the words caught in her throat.

The driver didn't give her a chance to respond. In a fit of sheer rage, he lashed out with a swift and brutal backhand across her face. The force of the blow was terrifying, and Sierra felt an excruciating pain explode through her cheek.

She cried out in agony, her hands instinctively flying to her throbbing face. Tears streamed uncontrollably down her cheeks, mixing with the growing pool of terror within her. The driver's face twisted into a cruel and sadistic grin as he savored her suffering.

"You'll learn to listen, won't you?" he taunted, his voice dripping with sadistic pleasure.

Sierra, disoriented and in unbearable pain, made another attempt to speak. Her words came out in fragmented, trembling sobs. "I... I'm sorry, I couldn't..."

But before she could finish her sentence, the driver struck her once more. This time, there was no restraint, no hesitation. The blow was delivered with such ferocity that Sierra's world spiraled into darkness. She slumped to the floor, unconscious, her body limp and defenseless.

The room fell eerily silent, the only sound the driver's heavy, labored breathing. He stared down at Sierra's motionless form, a terrifying mix of triumph and unease washing over him. He had intended to punish her, to break her spirit, but he hadn't anticipated the extent of his brutality.

Now, with Sierra unconscious and vulnerable, he found himself confronted with the chilling consequences of his actions. Panic began to grip him as he grappled with the nightmarish reality of what he had become. The walls of the room seemed to close in on him, echoing with the horrors of his deeds.

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