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The following morning, Luna woke up to the sight of Sierra still peacefully asleep. She carefully climbed out of bed, casting a glance back at her slumbering friend, and then she quietly gathered the house key, her phone, and headphones. Her destination was the house, with the anticipation of the rich aroma of brewing coffee leading her way.

Luna made her way to the back door, where Sierra had assured her it would be unlocked. The door turned smoothly on its hinges, granting her access to the inviting fragrance wafting from the kitchen. Her presence didn't go unnoticed.

"Good morning," greeted Kiersten, and Luna couldn't help but startle a little at the sudden sound.

"Good morning, Kiersten," Luna replied, her initial surprise quickly melting into a smile.

Kiersten poured her a cup of coffee, her considerate nature shining through. "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you."

Luna chuckled softly, feeling at ease. "Oh, it's alright. I'm easily jumpy."

They engaged in a pleasant morning conversation, their words creating a comfortable atmosphere. As Luna began to explore the contents of the cabinets, she retrieved an assortment of ingredients. Luna combined them with finesse, heating up a large frying pan on the stove.

Once the pan was ready, Luna expertly poured the batter, tending to it with a practiced hand. She moved with grace in the kitchen, creating something truly delightful. The aroma of freshly cooked pancakes filled the air.

As Luna put the finishing touches on her culinary masterpiece, Sierra walked into the kitchen, her tone carrying a note of surprise. "You didn't have to cook!"

As Luna recounted her kitchen blunders, Sierra's attention was fully focused on her friend. "I can only imagine the chaos in your kitchen," Sierra remarked, a smile playing on her lips.

Luna grinned sheepishly. "Yeah, it can get pretty chaotic sometimes."

Just as Luna was about to share another kitchen disaster story, she winced in pain, clutching her hand where the burn was. Sierra's concern immediately flared up. "Are you okay? Let me see."

Luna reluctantly pulled her hand away, revealing the red, angry mark on her skin. The pain intensified, shooting through her nerves like wildfire, causing Luna to inhale sharply. "It hurts more than I thought," she admitted, her voice strained with discomfort.

Sierra's expression tightened with worry as she gently examined the burn. "That looks painful. We need to take care of that."

Kiersten, hearing the commotion, rushed back into the kitchen, concern etched on her face. "What happened? Is everything alright?"

Sierra explained the situation, her voice calm yet urgent. "Luna burned her hand on the pan. It looks pretty bad."

Kiersten's eyes widened with concern, and she immediately sprang into action. "Let's get some burn cream on that. Luna, sit down. Sierra, can you grab the first aid kit?"

As Luna gingerly took a seat, she felt the throbbing pain intensify, shooting up her arm like fiery tendrils. Tears welled up in her eyes, a combination of pain and frustration. "It hurts," she admitted, her voice strained.

Kiersten's heart sank at Luna's distress, her own concern mirrored in her expression. "I'm so sorry, Luna. We'll make it better, I promise."

Sierra quickly fetched the first aid kit, her movements swift and purposeful. "Hang in there, Luna. We'll take care of you."

With Luna's hand now in Sierra's gentle grasp, Kiersten rummaged through the kit, searching for the appropriate supplies. "We'll get some burn cream on that right away. Just try to take deep breaths and stay as still as you can."

Despite their efforts to soothe her, Luna couldn't shake the overwhelming sensation of pain coursing through her hand. Each heartbeat seemed to pulse with a fresh wave of agony, leaving her feeling raw and vulnerable.

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