Part Fifteen

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Remus sat in Severus's quarters by himself. He was trying to figure out a surprise for Zach but it was proving quite difficult. Sighing, he stood and made his way to the door that separated Severus's office from his Quarters. He entered the room and made his way to a second door that led to the potions classroom. Listening carefully, he heard footsteps and smelled a lot of other people in the room; Remus turned to the desk in the room and sat in the chair in front of it, deciding to wait for Severus. He knew after this period, it would be lunch, so the man would be free to help him plan his surprise.

He didn't realize he zoned out until he felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up to see Severus looking down at him. "Are you ok?" Severus asked, and Remus sat up a little straighter,

"Yeah, just thinking," He said, watching the other man sit behind his desk and pick up some papers to start marking.

"Is something wrong?" Severus asked and Remus sighed.

"I want to propose to Zach," Remus blurted out and Severus got wide-eyed.

"Oh, that's wonderful," Severus said with a genuine smile. "Do you have a ring?" he asked, and Remus pulled a small black box out of his pocket and placed it on the table.

Severus picked it up, opened it, and looked at the ring inside. It was a silver ring with a blue diamond. "Oh, Zach will love this," The onyx-eyed man smiled.

"Yeah, I know," Remus sighed, running a hand over his face. "But I don't know how to. I want to make it perfect," He finished and Severus nodded in understanding.

"You need ideas?" Severus asked, and Remus nodded. "Why don't you just take him somewhere you will both love? Somewhere that means a lot to you? Or something like that?" the potion master said, and Remus sighed.

"I would but you know Dumbledore is watching him, so I can't take him out of Hogwarts," Remus said, and Severus nodded in agreement.

"Well, you used to have fun on campus; take him somewhere you liked going, like the Astronomy tower or..." Severus started but was cut off by Remus.

"Or the Shrieking Shack," Remus exclaimed, and Severus stiffened. "Oh, Severus...I'm sorry about that night," he said, and Severus shook his head.

"It's fine, it wasn't your fault. It was James's," Severus said, and Remus gave him a tight smile, remembering the night that James had tricked Severus into coming to the shack during a full moon.

"I think I will take him there. It's Friday, so I can go there after lunch and decorate and fix the place up," Remus said standing and heading out of the office.

He snuck out of the castle, made his way to the whopping willow, used the stick to touch the spot, and went down. He flinched at the look of the place. He took out his wand and started to fix it up.


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Word count: 492

Re-published: April 30, 2024, 2:30 pm

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