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That parcel was sent to me by Brave on 25. August. I was so astonished at what he had sent to me. When I opened that parcel, there was a book. It was the same book that I had put out of his book collection and asked him why he reads this kind of book. It was a book with the title" Reasons why people give up on Life".

I am happy that I can now have this book of Brave with me. But I am surprised that he has sent me this book. So he wanted to show me something or to tell me something. So many thoughts were running parallel in my mind. Then I opened the book and got something in it. There was a letter written to Edward. That letter is from Brave. I went to my room and locked the door from inside, I wanted to read it in silence and alone. I was wondering what could be written in the letter.

He has written so many things in the letter about his childhood, that letter encompasses all the secrets and the events of his life. He has mentioned all the things he always wanted to share with me, he told me everything about his problems, and how all his problems started. Why did he finish himself, and why didn't he share the things?

He has described all the pain he has suffered in the last few years. How did he get happiness in his life? Why does he always like to be alone? He shared many other things with me that I didn't even know had happened to him until I read the letter.

He has written all the wishes he had in his life, he also asked for something from me in the letter. You know when I was reading his letter. Then I came to know that this kind of person does exist who always thinks about others' careers and happiness instead of their own. In those pages, he has described all his life.

His letter made me cry, and I have also learned so many things from his words, and today I am a Rich Tycoon. Today I might not be the same Edward as I was, but Brave is still in my heart as he was when he was alive. I know that he is always with me. Sometimes he is with me like my elder brother. Now my brother is very open to me, he always becomes so worried about me. Brave has changed my entire life. I might not get attached to people easily, but I do care for those who are in my life. I know that God has taken the two most precious things from me, but he has given me the two most eternal gifts in my life.

I want to share the letter with you people that Brave has sent to me. I want to make you connected with the Feelings of Brave and mine. I want you people to know how many difficult situations arise when you want to live, but can't allow yourself to live. The letter is as given...

Dear Edward, 25, August

Brave here, Hello, How are you, buddy? I hope you are doing well. I know you might be enraged with me, But I know you still love me. Edward, you always tell me that I don't share my emotions with you, you always complain to me about being so alone. Edward trusts me. I want to share those things with you, but for me, it's a cumbersome task to tell you everything. Your anger is acceptable, but I want to tell you, for me, you are more like a big brother.

Edward, Today I want to share all my secrets and pain with you through this letter. I know you are upset about why I have finished, but in this letter, I will tell you everything which was kept in my mind until I was alive. I knew that you would receive this letter after I left. Edward, please don't feel any regrets for me that you couldn't do anything for me. Trust me, the last week of my life was the best week of my life. You make me feel happy and laugh. Only due to your presence, have I come to know that there is still happiness left in my life. Today I want to tell you all how these things got started, and how the Brain Tumor got started. You always ask me how I get what is running in your mind. I will tell you that too.

Edward, whatever I did, my intentions were not to hurt you, depress you, and make you feel that you were not a good friend of mine. You know sometimes circumstances are so disturbing that it does not leave you with, plenty of choices.

" It all started when I was 13 years old at that time. I was a normal kid like others, I liked to study a lot, and my father always told me to push myself harder, and I always tried to do that too. At that time, my interest was in human reading. But I don't have enough resources to study that and, apart from that, there is pressure to compete in the class also. I was in the top 5 students in the class.

My father is an illiterate person, so he doesn't want his son to live a life like his. He always tells me that I have so many expectations from him, and sometimes his expectations scare me too.

One day in the winter, I was going to school. I was on my bicycle. It was a foggy day, and there was not much visibility on the road. I was about to reach the school but before that, I had to cross the road. I see on both sides there is nobody coming. I turned my bicycle to cross the road and suddenly a bike that was coming very rapidly hit me so hard and I fell on the ground and my head hit the road so hard that my skin got torn off. The biker didn't even stop and look for me, he just ran away. I was there alone on the road, with heavy pain, my blood was dripping. I was in the middle of the road and almost unconscious. Some students from my school saw me in the middle of the road, and I was injured, so they informed the school staff, they reached there and took me to the hospital. There was a deep cut in my head behind the ear, so the doctor applied stitches. Then the teachers took me to my house. As the days passed, there was a minor headache in my head, but with time it converted to a severe headache.

My father took me to the hospital to check if there was any problem. After examining me, the doctor told my father that he had a blood clot in his brain. The doctor asked my father if he had any injury to the head. If yes, the blood clot has been generated due to a sudden hit on something hard. He said this could be treated with medicine only, and the clot would be completely destroyed within a month. He gave me medicine and I started to take it.

But after I got hit in my brain, something apart from the headache changed. There is something different. But after fifteen days, now I am fine, and the clot has finished as the doctor said. The doctor told me to eat the medicine for 2 months at least, but I had eaten only for 1 month as at that time we were suffering from financial problems, so I never told my father to get me medicine. After that Head-butt has happened now I have started to focus more upon people's expression, I like it, to observe their emotions and I always try to know what are they thinking?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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