Chapter 14: Famous Aki?

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Welcome to Chapter 14 i hope you will enjoy it


The next morning Aki woke up besides Haru he was still naked as he got up Haru opened his eyes and smirked "did you like it?" Aki turned red as he heard Haru's voice "maybe.." he mumbled before getting dressed for school "the principal said you will be in my class from now on" Haru then said sitting up and Aki turned around to look at him "what? Why?" Aki questioned "well you have great talent and he wanted you to be famous so he ranked you up" Haru said with a smile on his face Aki nodded walking to the kitchen Haru got up fast and dressed before walking to Aki "no worries you will still be seeing Kai and Amaki" Haru said wraping his arms around Aki's waist "you promise?" Aki then asked looking up at Haru "i promise" Haru nodded "now come on we have to go to school" Haru took Aki's hand and lead him outside and Aki just nodded following him to the car as they arrived at the school Hiro and Kai and Takara and Amaki where standing at the gates of the school "Aki! Good morning" Amaki said with a cheer full voice "morning" Aki smiled Haru talked to Takara and Hiro for a bit "i heard you got put into Haru's class" Kai then said "yes I did" Aki nodded his head "will we still be seeing each other?" Amaki asked his voice worried "of course" Aki said "come on Aki we have to go" Haru said and Aki waved at his friends before following Hiro Takara and Haru as they got into the classroom everyone went silent "who is that?" "why is he here?" "how come he is so close to them?" whispers went around the classroom but as Keji saw Aki he yelled "Haru that goes to far!" he stormed towards them and Haru signed to Hiro to take Aki and Hiro did pull Aki behind him "what do you mean Keji?" Haru asked with a smile on his face "you can't just-" Keji tried but Takara cut him of "that's enough go back to your seat before you will be ranked lower again" at that everyone gasped and went silent Keji glared but went back to his seat the teacher came into the class and told everyone about Aki Haru said Aki could sit besides him and the teacher agreed Aki got put into photo shoots and got his own page and he got popular really quick after only two weeks a lot of people started simping on him and he also had a few fan girls Haru Hiro and Takara where always with Aki one day they had to go to an interview as they stepped out of the car a big crowed started cheering Haru helped Aki out of the car and the others Hiro and Takara walked behind Aki and Haru a lot cameras lights where flashing Aki seemed amazed they got into the house where reporters where waiting they sat down and the female reporter started "Hello and welcome my name is Jennie and today we will be interviewing these four young man who are very good actors" the male reporter then turned towards Hiro "here comes a question Mr. Hiro since when are you into acting?" Hiro thought for a moment "since I was 6 I always wanted to be an actor and I was befriended with Haru at that time and then we decided we will go to this school together so that we can follow our dreams I was as a child really into this one actor I always saw on TV and since these days I always wanted to be an actor" The male reporter nodded Jennie then turned to Takara "Mr. Takara I wanted to know how can you always keep a poker face even when it was super funny?" Takara sighed "to be honest I don't really know it just happens when I get told you have a strict role who does not smile then I just don't of course sometimes it is hard but mostly easy not for everyone though" Jennie nodded as the male reporter turned to Haru "now to our biggest star in the room how can you be so good at acting that you have so many fans and so many acting roles?" Haru looked at the male reporter "it can be stress full sometimes but it also is very fun to do when you can just show your talent and I guess just hard work and you will be able to act you just have to want it and have fun" the male reporter nodded and Jennie then turned towards Aki "and this is their newest member Aki! Aki the Fans and I would like to know how did you and Mr. Haru and the others became friends and how you manged to be so famous in a short time?" Aki seemed a bit nervous so under the table Haru took Aki's hand and nodded at him then Aki started talking "well at first my old friends talked a lot about Haru to be honest at first I didn't really know Haru but one day I over heard Haru talking with his friends and after that I kinda started talking to him and we got friends and two weeks ago the principal told me that I have done good jobs in script writing and acting and then he ranked me up to Haru's class so I would say trough hard work" Jennie nodded and the interview continued for hours about 1 million people or more wanted to get a photo they had a lot to do on that day a lot of people where there and Haru seemed to be in a good mood Aki then went to Haru and said "i am going outside for a second" Haru nodded and watched as Aki walked out outside it was quiet Aki sat down on a stair as he heard foot steps come near him as Aki looked up he saw Lucas Keji and Phao "Aki-" Lucas began but Aki got up really fast "no" he said but Keji sighed "Lucas Phao wait at the car let me talk to Aki" Lucas and Phao walked off "Aki look Haru is not a good person" keji began talking but Aki didn't want to hear it "No keji you have no idea who the bad person is in this story" Aki said stepping back it started becoming dark and Keji looked at Aki hurt flashing in his eyes "please at least let me talk to you" Keji begged Aki and as Aki saw Keji like that his heart softened and he nodded letting Keji talk to him "Okay then start talking" Aki said Keji nodded "Look the reason why we didn't hang out with you is because Hiro has been coming to us and making up stuff as I found out I came here they did this to our friendship Aki" Keji then looked away "Haru is an evil person Aki please just come back we want our old friend back" but before Aki could say anything the two of them could hear Haru yell "Aki come on we have to do another interview!" Aki looked towards the door and then back at Keji "Let's talk later" he then turned around walking fast towards Haru's voice Keji reached out trying to stop him but it didn't work Keji's hand slowly sinking back down mid air Aki arrived and Haru smiled taking his hand and kissing it "come on" on that evening they had 5 other interviews about 6 hours Haru drove Aki to his dorm "Good night Aki see you tomorrow" with that Haru drove off as Aki walked back into his room Jin was sitting on the desk doing his homework "You are back" Jin said smiling and getting up hugging Aki "do you want to watch a movie later?" Jin asked "sure" Aki nodded "great just wait here for a second I am getting the snacks" Jin said getting up and walking towards the kitchen then he pulled out his phone as he was in the kitchen

Jin: Guys I am getting closer to him

???: That's good send us pics of him later we want to see if he is really your room mate

?!?: Yeah just keep us updated

Jin put his phone away smirking


That was chapter 14 i hope you liked it and have a good day

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