C H A P T E R 5 : P R O M

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*skipping ahead to prom*
(Nicole's pov)
It's finally the day of prom. Megan stayed at my house last night since prom was Saturday night. Me and Megan got up extra early and shower. I washed really well and shaved. I'm sitting on my bed when Megan walks in.
"Hey it's time to leave for our hair appointment." she says tapping my shoulder. I'm so nervous.
"Let's go girl!" I say in a sassy way and snap my fingers. The boys are over at Nash's until they have to get us. I Draco us to the mall and we get our hair makeup and nails done. After we were done we went back to my house. I carefully helped Megan put her dress on so she did not mess up her hair. Then it was my turn. I FaceTime my mom cause I know she wants to see this big moment. She answers in the first ring. I walk into the bathroom with my dress while Megan and my mom talk. When j walk out my mom and Megan both stop talking and look at me. My mom starts to tear up. I giggle and blush then sit on the bed to put my shoes on. My mom hired a professional to take our prom pictures for us so it time for me and Megan's pictures. I take my phone with me walking down stairs. Tim and Cam our sitting on the couch with the other boys and their dates standing around them. Megan walks down first. Tim's jaw dropped and she blushed. Everyone complimented her, then Megan walks back upstairs and takes my phone from me so my mom could watch. I start to walk down the stairs when Megan tells me to. Cam's jaw drop and everyone just stared at me. I blushed and tucked a fly away hair behind my ear. Cam walks over to me taking my hand.
"You are so gorgeous.You look so amazing like stunning like beautiful" he says. I just blush and then my mom talks to Cam. All the other girls and guys walk over to me and compliment me. Then we take our group pictures and the pictures with our dates. My mom is crying most of the time. It's time to leave so I tell her I love her then we hang up. We walk to the limo hand in hand. Me and Cam were the last to get in. When we got to the school everyone looked at the huge limo pulling up. I take a deep breathe as Cameron squeezes my hand. Then the doors open and he steps out. I food right behind him. People are starting I probably look like a tomato from blushing. We walk into the dance and take pictures there for the year book. Then we all go to different places on the dance floor with our dates. Me and Cam are dancing and having a blast when a slow song comes on. We walk towards each other and I wrap my arms around his neck and he wraps his around my waist. I lay my head on his shoulder.
"You are the most beautiful girl in the entire galaxy." he whispers into my ear. I pull away so I can look at him. He smiles at me and I blush. I have butterflies I'm so nervous.He looks into my eyes and I stare deep into his big beautiful brown eyes.
"Cam I have to tell you something." I say looking at him.
"I have to tell you something to but I'm afraid." he says looking at me then the ground.
"How about we say them together?" I ask last with his suit collar.
"Prefect. The count of 3?" He says
"1" I start
"2" he adds
"3" I say then I close my eyes.
"I love you we say in unison." my eyes shoot open and we both are in shock.
"I love you so much Nicole Marie Johnson." he says smiling.
"And I love you Cameron Alexander Dallas." I say smiling. Then he leans in and kisses me. I swear I could feel fireworks and butterflies ting through my stomach.
"Nicole Marie Johnson will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" He ask taking my hands into his hands.A big smile spread into my face.
"Yes!" I say hugging him. We then find all the guys and girls and tell them. The all congratulate us. Then Megan and Tim won prom king and prom queen. After the dance we all go home and go to bed. After I change into pajamas me and Cameron cuddle together on my bed and go to sleep, after whispering I love you to each other. Today was the best day of my life. This boy laying next to me is finally mine! I'm so happy. I went to bed with a smile on my face!

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