'YOU'RE ALIVE?!' -chapter six-

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you came back? this is getting pretty interesting idk if you wanna stay :[

side note: saying anything in the character voice my result in dying of laughter, just saying

warning: cussing/swearing  -also its saturday :3-

(Bubble pov)

'Where the fuck is she.? She's been gone for a day.' I thought.

"Hey, it's okay Bubble, we'll find her." Pin said as she read my thoughts.

"I know but what if she's hurt.? What if she's stuck somewhere.? What if-" I say as Pin wanted to say something.

"She's okay, I know she is. She can defend herself, right?"

"Yeah.. but-"

"She's okay, trust her."

(Fanny pov)

"Where.. am I.?" I mumble as I look around, kinda dizzy from whatever happened last.

"Well.. you might not believe it but-'' Someone I knew the voice of answered.

"Wait.. Coiny?!" I say, Everyone thought he was dead. "Everyone thought you DIED.!"

"They did.?" He said. "Oh.."

"Pin missed you..!" I say to him, which made him a little happier.

"Fanny, we need to get out of here. X is a monster, just trust me." He says, in a warning tone.

"X couldn't do anything to anyone what are you talking about.? (100% innocent for sure :3)" I tell him, confused.

"Fanny, just trust me. She's insane," He said, slightly frantic but overall more calm.

(TD pov)

I went to the park with Leafy and Needle, they were chatting as I drew in my notebook. Leafy and Needle are the only people I met that fully understood sign language.

I feel something sit next to me, when I see a cat.

'Oh! Well, I know I shouldn't.. but they seem lonely!' I think as I pick up the cat. (not me forgetting they arent humans rn :3)

"Whatcha got there TD?" Leafy asked. 

"A cat.? I thought you were allergic!" Needle mumbled as she walked over.

'I know, but it just seemed lonely. (see shes not like DFAU, this TD has a heart :]) And I don't mind.'

"TD! You could get sick!" Leafy says, a little worried as she walked over to take the cat.

'I know, but I don't mind. Can I.. keep it.?' I ask, I have an allergy, I know but that doesn't stop me from wanting a pet cat.

"TD, I know you like cats but they could get you really sick." Leafy said.

(Eight pov) -also known as Aleeza11a's husband-

Four walked up to me as I was talking to Ten.

"What's wrong Four? You seem upset." Ten asks.

"It's just, well, X seems off.." He says.

"Have you talked to them about it?" I asked.

"Well no, but I just feel like she's just off." Four says.

"Maybe talk to her about it!" Ten said as he restated my recommendation.

"You know I don't like confrontation," Four said. He never really liked the idea of confronting someone, even for a minor issue.

"Maybe bring it up in like a conversation way, like your talking to them and bring it up?" I say.

"I'll try, well cya." He says as he walks away.



ITS 11:32 RN D: H E L P

anyway eRm imma prob sleep maybe but I hoped you liked it!

-your tired and totally okay writer, hiiellonice/Jai! :D

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