The 'Way Out' -chapter eight-

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WARNINGS: death, cussing and acid melting!

(No one pov)

"I will unlock the door, you run out and open the hatch. With that, we will leave and warn everyone. Okay?" Coiny said.

Fanny nodded.

"Got it, but are you sure X just leaves the hatch unlocked?" Fanny mumbled.

"That's my guess of how you got in here. Right?" Coiny asked.

"Yeah.."  Grumbles Fanny.

After a bit of  talking, they figure the base of the plan. Since X, dumbly, keeps the door to the room they are in unlocked they will walk out and run for it. Simple and works, eh.. most of the time.

(Y pov) -there is real french here btw-

After a couple hours, I finished setting up my classroom.

"Hey Eight, do you know french?" I ask them, generally wondering.

"Mostly, it was my high school pick." He says.

"Oooh, qu'est-ce que tu apprends sur le français?" (Oooh, whatcha learn about french?) I ask them.

"Ehh, la base et c'est parti de là." (Ehh, the basic and went from there) He says.

"Tu peux! Je pense parfois que les gens font semblant de savoir." (You can! I'd sometimes think people pretend to know.) 

"Hallo Acht! Hallo!" (Hi Eight! Hi Y!) Ten said.

"Hi Ten, how are you today?" Eight asked, turning to ten.

"Preparing for Blocky and Eraser's randomness in three hours, also getting ready to do a project!" Ten said.

(No one pov)

Little did Fanny and Coiny know, X heard them. She wasn't about to let the word out.

They were not going to leave this hell. Even if they wanted to. Atleast to X, that is.

Fanny opened the door, as she and Coiny walked out they were shown a 'surprise' by X.

(Coiny pov)

I hear a faint hissssss sound, and feel a sharp pain through my body.

"Leaving without a goodbye? And I thought you were good at goodbyes Coiny." X says, as I notice the acid gun she has.

There was a hole already melting a side from me.


"That's not very school friendly language there Fanny Windspin." X said, annoyed.

I was dizzy and fell over.

(Fanny pov)

X laughed after seeing Coiny fall.

"And you guys thought 'just running for it' would work, how cute." She mocked.

"X. WHY DID YOU FUCKING KILL COINY.?!" I, in a mix rage and hopelessness, yell at them.

"Can't let the word get around, after all I can't hurt a fly." She said.

'Even if I get the fuck out of here, it's not like anyone would really believe me. I need to see BB before I die.'

I run for the hatch. Seeing a button I press it, and the stand shoots up into the air. Opening the hatch and launching me out of it.

I faintly heard X cussing to themselves, but I could care less.

I make a dash for my dad's house.

(Bubble pov)

"Bubble, you ready for school?" Ruby asked as I nodded.

"Yeah, Give me-" I say before I see her. Ruby looked at the direction, and I heard her gasp a little.

Fanny is running toward us. When she gets to us I hugged her.

"Fanny.? Where were you.?!" Ruby says, concerned for Fanny even if she don't like her.

"Fanny.! There you are! Where were you.?" I ask her.

"BB, it's hard to explain but please just trust me." She says.

"What.? What happened?" I asked, as she seemed frantic.

"X is NOT what she seems. Skip their class, or pretend to be sick." Fanny says.

"Why? Did she do something.?" Ruby asked.

"Just listen to that, I can't really go into detail." Fanny mumbled.

(Coiny pov)

So the last thing I will forever say to Pin was 'I'll be right back'?

Why wasn't I able to tell Pin how much I've missed her and I loved her one more time?

Did Pin even miss me?

Did anyone even notice I was gone?

Why did X even drag me into this hell  to begin with?

Many questions, but I won't even get answers for them.

Fuck you X, I hope someone finds who you really are soon.



any thoughts? :<

hahahhahahahahahahha angst >:)

coinpin divorce arc </3

anyway, i hoped ya liked it! :D

-hiiiellonice/Jai ^^

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