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"hey eves—" amerie bust into evie's room and she looked up from the blanket she was curled up in. "are you depressed again or...?" the brunette got into bed next to evie who rolled over to face her.

"you woke me up." evie groaned and pulled the blanket over her head, amerie getting under it as well. "what ams?" the blonde asked, facing her friend who'd clearly been up for hours.

"it's two pm and you just woke up which first of all it's pitiful, second malakai and rowan broke up! you can get back in there!" amerie exclaimed and evie just shrugged. "wow don't seem too excited." she said sarcastically.

evie was still slightly mad at harper who hadn't apologised for calling evie shady but she knew amerie would immediately come and apologise because she was happy to have evie as a friend again.

"apparently he's really sad and depressed so i think you should go try and cheer him up." amerie nudged evie in the side and she just groaned. "get up or i'll drag you up."

"i don't wanna go and help malakai work through the breakup that was a result of the guy he left me for." evie grumbled and amerie just grabbed evie's ankles to drag her out of bed. "ams." evie protested but amerie managed to drag evie out of bed.

"let's get sexy." amerie said, putting on her 'getting ready' playlist which the first song was so american by olivia rodrigo.

they went through outfits upon outfits, evie secretly enjoying their little dress up session settling on a pair of low waisted jeans and a long sleeved dark navy crop top.

"you look so cute let's go!" amerie dragged evie to the door of her house and they walked towards malakai's house

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"you look so cute let's go!" amerie dragged evie to the door of her house and they walked towards malakai's house.

"what if he doesn't wanna see me." evie asked softly, holding onto amerie's arm as they walked towards malakai's house.

"i didn't think of that." amerie said and evie just groaned again, amerie paused for a second. "he will. he always wants to see you." she nodded as she spoke and evie rose an eyebrow.

when they finally got to malakai's house, amerie forced evie up the steps to the door to knock. his mum opened the door and smile at evie who explained she was there to see malakai.

"he might not want to see you, he's barely been seeing anyone and he only saw missy for ten minutes." his mum explained and evie just bit her lip in frustration.

"it's okay if he won't see me, i just came to see if he was okay." they went through the hallway towards malakai's room and evie saw amerie standing on the street giving her a thumbs up and evie tried to hide her snort, masking it through a fake sneeze.

"just go in love." malakai's mum instructed and evie nodded, opening malakai's bedroom door.

"mum go away." the blonde heard malakai say and evie just went and sat on his chair. "oh.. hi." he said and evie just gave him a shy smile.

"hi kai." evie greeted. "you feeling all good?" she asked and malakai just groaned. "i'm sorry about you and rowan, you must be feeling really shit." the blonde gave him sympathetic smile.

when malakai didn't move, evie opened one of the blinds and saw all of the food packages on the bed. wordlessly, evie picked up a rubbish bag and started putting all of the trash in it, cleaning up the room a bit.

"ironic isn't it. you coming to my rescue after i left you for rowan and now he left me." malakai said, sitting up in bed watching evie clean up his depression room.

"little bit." evie replied, sitting at the end of the bed, kicking off her shoes to cross her legs. "seriously, how are you doing?"

"it's shitty." he replied, finally sitting up properly and looking at evie. "why am i such a shitty boyfriend?"

"i don't know malakai we never dated." evie pulled her knees to her chest. "i'm not here to help you win him back, malakai. i'm just here to help you because you helped me."

"i know... i know. thank you." there was a moment of silence and evie just played with her rings. "i heard about you and ant." malakai said and evie paused for a second.

"it's a friendly thing, just... just happened. i thought you wouldn't have minded because of the.. the rowan thing." evie replied feeling slightly awkward.

"i missed you, a lot." malakai admitted and evie felt a warmth spread through her chest.

evie sat, looking at her knees and exhaled loudly. "i missed you too but i don't want to be just some girl you're hooking up with." the blonde admitted. "it sometimes just makes me feel.. used and i don't wanna feel that way. and i get it if you aren't ready for a relationship because you just broke up with rowan, i understand because i didn't want a relationship at first but i just don't want to be the one you go back to when it all goes wrong."

malakai looked at evie and leaned in, slowly locking their lips with his hand on her face. "malakai.." evie breathed out softly, the tip of her nose brushing his. "you're upset right now and i know i shouldn't have put that onto you and—" malakai kissed evie again and she moaned softly, sitting on his lap and cupping his face.

his hand went down to evie's waist and then he grabbed a handful of her ass, moaning when she tugged on his hair a little. "vi.." he muttered, pulling away to kiss evie's neck.

"we can't malakai." evie mumbled as malakai kissed her neck. "i don't want to take advantage of you, you're upset." she pulled away and put her hands on his cheeks.

"i want to." malakai confirmed and evie sighed a little. "what?" he cocked his head.

"you know what? i'm just gonna go.. i'll see you at the party or.. or whatever." evie put on her shoes and ran out of the house outside to amerie.

𝐁𝐀𝐃 𝐇𝐀𝐁𝐈𝐓, malakai mitchell Where stories live. Discover now