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I often like to drift away into my own mind.


Seeing the two familiar people, you picked up your pace, rushing over the greet them.

"Osano, Taeko!"

You exclaimed, quickly running up to them. The two teenagers turned around, slightly surprised at your sudden appearance. Osano Najimi and Taeko Yamada, two of your best friends. You've known them for.. well, since middle school. Which isn't too long, but still pleasant.

"Oh, [Name]! Goodmorning!"

Taeko greeted, a smile gracing her face. Taeko was the most normal of you three, though bordering on basic. You didn't mind this, sometimes finding it refreshing and graceful. This wasn't that surprising. You always looked up to her and thought she was great.

FRIENDSHIP METER: 【♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ 】: 80%
You're best friends!
【♡♡ 】: 20%
You aren't in love with her, but sometimes she makes you blush.

She tilted her head a smile, her black hair and dark gray eyes shining in the hues of the brightening sun. As you smiled, joining them, you heard a rough sigh.

"You're early for once."

That familiar voice belongs to none other than Osano. Ah, a character he was. By extension, being friends with Taeko meant you were friends with him, or maybe the other way around. You didn't mind being friends with him, despite his rude nature. Since you've befriended him, you've learned not to take it to heart, as it was just how he worked, for whatever reason. He rolled his bright orange eyes, crossing his arms and flipping some of his orange hair out of his face, the ponytail on the side of his head tousling slightly.

FRIENDSHIP METER:【♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ 】: 75%
You're barely best friends!

【 】: 0%
You aren't in love with him. Neither is he in love with you.

You smiled and spoke.

"I see you woke up on the right side of the bed, as always." You said, a playful smirk forming on your face, as he glared at you.

"Shut up." He said, huffing.

A laugh escaped your lips as you walked beside them, ignoring the increasing nagging pain in the back of your head every time your thoughts drifted to him, specifically in that dream you had.


It was 7:07 am. You, Taeko, and Osano walked into the clean building. You usually didn't pay attention to the school's interior, but today seemed different. Off, you could say.

After you all changed into your dress shoes, you headed to the plaza, spotting another familiar face. It was Raibaro! He was one of Osano's friends, you thought very highly of him, considering his reputation and how strong he was. You noticed Osano waving him over, and you and Taeko went to sit on the edge of the fountain, leaving Osano to chat with Raibaro nearby. You tilted your head and looked around, enjoying the way the sakura petals fell gracefully from the trees and the familiar chatter of the Rainbow girls and boys. It was lively in the plaza, but in a calm and serene way, and you couldn't help but appreciate every second of it. You might as well have, since it was a time of calmness before classes officially started.


You stretch, looking to Taeko, who looks back at you, a curious glint in her eyes. "How has your morning been so far, Taeko?" You ask with a soft smile on your face. She giggled, a bit of red tinting her cheeks. "Ah, my morning's been fine! You?" You smiled, tapping your finger on your chin as you spoke once more. "It was.. alright! I may need to go to the grocery store after school though, hah.." You sheepishly chuckled, your hand finding its way to the back of your head.

Taeko straightened up and looked forward, her voice softening. "Hm.. Well, if you'd like, I could lend you some yen. I wouldn't want you to have to spend your own." She said, a sweet smile on her face as she presented the offer.

You considered the offer, not wanting to burden her. "Ah, are you sure? You don't have to do it!" You said, though she persisted. "[Name], I offered it to you because I wanted to. You deserve it anyway, so I insist." Taeko said softly but sternly, putting her hand on your shoulder. You didn't want to upset her by refusing her offer, so in the end, you accepted. "Ehh.. I guess it won't hurt." You shrugged, and Taeko nodded.

"Good." Taeko said, taking out her wallet and taking out a ¥5,000 note handing it to you. "Don't lose it, okay?" She said, and you quickly nodded, taking it and sliding it into your own wallet. "Thanks..!" You smiled, clearly grateful. Taeko patted the top of your head affectionately. "Any time, [N/N]~!"

Slowly, students started to leave the plaza as it was almost 8:00 am, the time for people to start going to their homeroom. As the students cleared out, you and Taeko stood up, walking to Osano after he had said goodbye to Raibaro.

"Ahh, I suppose it's time to get to our classes, huh? Are you ready to go, Osano?" Taeko asked, innocently cocking her head to the side. Osano coughed, his face turning red as he stuttered out a response. "Y-Yes..! Stop asking me the same questions, stupid! Jeez..." Osano exclaimed, grabbing her wrist.

This was a regular routine you'd witness. Despite Taeko being an upperclassmen, Osano always walked her to her class. You found it endearing and cute, despite the fact that it always left you by yourself. You chuckled, waving goodbye to them as they walked off, Osano grumbling, and Taeko shouting out a 'Goodbye!'.

'Well, I guess I should get to class now..' You thought, your mood deflating a tiny bit at the thought. Though, you picked yourself back up. You've been in school for most of your life, so what makes this day different? You talked yourself up and walked into the hallway, quickly walking down the hall to get to your class.


EDIT: I was gonna make it longer, but I decided not to. I'm also working on chapter 2, btw!!! ;] For now, have a lil drawing of my very of osano, because I like arting ♡

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Bro is so gooberish

'Her?' 【Genderbend Yandere Simulator x Fem Reader】Where stories live. Discover now