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Everything seemed to be your fault..?


You, Osano, Taeko, and Raibaro were over at Teako's house for a sleepover. It was almost 12, as you four had talked and chatted into the late hours of the night.

"Hnngh.. Is anyone else getting tired?" Raibaro yawns, lazily burying himself into one of the blankets on the floor. Osano, who wasn't that far away from him, stretches his arms a bit, rubbing his eyes as he glances over at him.

"Same, I'm goin' to bed." Osano yawns, and Taeko giggles from her bed. "Already tired?" She teases despite the tiny yawn that escapes her soon after.

You, who was also in Taeko's bed, snuggles against Spooky. "Mmmh, goodnight.." You murmur, curling up next to Taeko. Taeko chuckles, gently ruffling your hair before going to turn her bedside lamp off.

"Goodnight, everyone." She starts, her voice gentle. "Don't let the bedbugs bite..." She adds, a tiny giggle escaping her lips as the room dims, the moonlight from her window casting a small bit of light into the room.

Everyone responded with a 'Goodnight'. And just like that, you were out like a light.

Well, it was like that, until you had woken up. Slowly and carefully sitting up, you lick your dry lips. You were thirsty.

Looking over, you saw Taeko sleeping, one of her arms draped over your, which you cautiously move to one her pillows.

As you slid off of the bed, you jolt at the wooden floor, which was cold to the touch. Quickly sliding on your slippers, you look over to Raibaro, who was lightly snoring.

The bundle of blankets next to Raibaro revealed that Osano wasn't there.

'Probably using the bathroom.' You thought, as you step around Raibaro's sleeping form, slowly opening the bedroom door.

As you walk down the hallway, it seems to stretch into forever, and you take out your phone using the small amount of light it exuded to see where you were.

"[Name]?" You hear a quiet voice behind you, and you almost drop your phone, snapping your head around, you sigh in relief. Just Osano.

"H-Hey.. I'm just getting water." You murmur, barely able to make out his features in the dark. He nods. "I was using the bathroom. Do you mind if I go with you..?" He asks.

You were a bit confused but agreed nonetheless. "Sure."

As you two tiptoe into the kitchen and grab two plastic cups from the cupboard, you set your phone down on the counter, turning on the tap and filling up your cups.

He mutters a small 'Thanks' once you give him his water, and you nod.

After a moment of silence, Osano speaks up, his voice a bit less quiet. "I actually wanted to, uh.. talk to you about something."

You glance to him, tilting your head curiously. "Huh..? What is it?" You ask. Osano takes another sip of his water and scratches the back of his neck.

"Are you..." Osano sighs, furrowing his eyebrows. "Are you okay?"

You raise an eyebrow, gripping your cup a bit tighter. "What do you mean..?"

Osano steps closer, placing a hand on your shoulder. "Don't think I haven't noticed how tired you've been, I'm not stupid. And I'm certainly not that bad of a friend not to question you about it." He says, his eyes narrowing.

You tense up a little, looking down. You didn't want him to worry. You didn't even want him to find out. "..."

Osano took your silence as a signal that you didn't wanna talk about it and sighs, setting down his cup and pulling you into a sudden yet quick hug.

"Look, it's fine if you don't wanna talk about it right now, just know that I'm here if you need to talk, okay? You're my friend. Don't hide your problems from me." He grunts, his cheeks flustering as he gives you a quick pat on the back, pouting a bit.

You look up at him for a quick second, your mouth agape. You slowly nod, a smile beginning to spread onto your face, as you quickly drink a bit more of your water. "...Thanks, 'Sano. I appreciate it." You smile.

You could barely see how Osano's face flushed as bad as a cherry, but it made you giggle. "D-Don't mention it. It's what good friends are for."

"It's what good friends are for."

The words ring in your head as your eyes flutter open. The pain in your head throbs at your skull, making you want to go back to sleep. Where were you?

Not at Taeko's house, but your own. Your own, dirty, unkempt, roach-infested house.

You felt like shit. Your back hurts as you sit up, looking around at the colorful room, the sun-kissed lighting draining in.

You fell asleep. On the floor.

Sighing, you try to stand up, your legs nearly giving you before you quickly grab the door handle to prevent you from tumbling down.

Sunny was asleep on your bed, his black fur glistening in the light.

You felt... exhausted, and empty. Like a husk of yourself. You look to your phone, the decorative and cute charms doing nothing to lighten the atmosphere, as you walk over to it.

Reaching down, you grab your phone.

'Fifty notifications..', you note. Though, you jump at the sudden vibration of your phone.

'Taekooo!!!!💜' is calling...

You didn't have the right mind (or voice) to talk to anyone, but you picked up anyway.


You murmur, your raspy voice cracking midway saying her name.

"Oh, [Name]! You don't know how worried I was!!" Taeko sighs in relief over the phone, making you feel even worse.

"..M' Sorry..." You say, rubbing the sleepiness from your eyes as you slowly gain your energy back.

"Mhm. Osano's in the hospital.. The doctors say he should be fine soon enough!" She says. Immediately, you perk up.

"He's gonna be okay..?" You ask, your voice a bit more awake. "Mhm! I'm visiting him right now."

You desperately want to go with her and see him. You'll ask your uncle later, you conclude.

"Can I come with you..?" You ask. You already knew the answer, but you weren't really in the right headspace for common sense.

"Of course. D'you mind going to my house...?" She asks, her voice gentle and steady over the phone.

"I can." You murmur, clumsily stumbling over to your bathroom.

"Alright! I'll tell Hanako and my mother you're coming, too." Taeko responds.

You hang up after you exchange goodbyes. Brushing your teeth, you look in the mirror. You look like a mess. You were still in your school uniform, and you stunk.

'I should take a bath.'

Walking into the filthy bathroom, you glance at the unkempt bathtub. You glance at your familiar surroundings. The cabinets, the toilet, the tub, the walls, the floor, and the mirror.

You look into the mirror, staring at your warped reflection..


'I'm [Name].'

Then, you go and take your shower. You make sure to clean the various marks, scars, cuts, and burns imbetted into your body that define your troubled past. It's something carved into the back of your mind, every waking second of the day.


Hiii guys!! Sorry for disappearing, I've been really busy lately! :[

I'm working on the next chapter rn, so look forward to it! Also, sorry for the short chapter.. I kinda didn't know when to end it, but yeah. Have a great day, and drink plenty of water!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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