10. Drinks, Alcohol, Soda and Such

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Tigerstar~ *hears cheering from a bush and pokes head in*

Hawkfrost~ WHOOP WHOOP *throws up a wind glass and gulps down a bit then stops* So...my Mama said that she ate some brownie *burp* well...I told her what they were and she kissed me and whacked me *double burp*

Darkstripe~ Cool *epic burp that shakes the forest*

Tigerstar~ What are you guys doing?!

Mapleshade~ Goin' drunk. Here, have some. *throws him a alcohol bottle*

Tigerstar~ No.

Snowtuft~ Then here. *throws him a soda that says "Coke"*

Tigerstar~ *picks it up* What the heck is this?

Snowtuft~ Coke.

Antpelt~ Yeah.

Beetlewhisker~ Have a beer! Beer or root bear?

Tigerstar~ *explodes*

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