5. FNaP

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Tigerstar~ *after being healed rom a heart attack, decides to play FNaP on brand new computer* …

Whole of Dark Forest~ *crowded by Tigerstar as he hits "Play"*

Tigerstar~ This is AWKWARD.

Ten minutes later...

Tigerstar~ *sees a pink pony in window above office desk* What the heck...? *checks map and looks at Pirate Cove, which is empty* Shat

Dark Forest crowd~ Ooohhh

Tigerstar~ *looks in hall to see a pony running down it* … *closes map and gets a pony jumpscare with a white-purple pony laying limp on floor* What da heck

Dark Forest~ Ooooohhhhh

Tigerstar~ *power goes out and gets a jumpscare* *screams bloody murder and leaps on Antpelt* SAVE MEEEEEE

Antpelt~ *nurses Tigerstar  with milking bottle* Shhhh babby.

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