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   I stand in the doorway, watching Adriana sleep, a pang of guilt tugs at my conscience.  I had come to fetch her for dinner, but seeing her so peacefully asleep, I hesitate to disturb her rest.

   I can't shake the feeling that I've missed out on so much – missed out on the chance to truly know her, to be a part of her life in the way that a brother should.

   The weight of my responsibilities as the oldest brother hangs heavily on my shoulders, but in this moment, as I watch her breathe softly, I realize that there's more to life than work and obligations.

Adriana deserves more from me – she deserves my time, my attention, my love.

I vow to myself to change things, to make a conscious effort to spend more time with her, to get to know her properly.

It won't be easy, but as I look at her now, I know it'll be worth it.

And with that thought in mind, I quietly slip out of the room, my mind already buzzing with plans for the future.



I slowly come to my senses, the realization dawns on me that I missed dinner and it's now morning.

With a sense of urgency, I rush downstairs, my heart racing with apprehension. As I enter the kitchen, I'm greeted by the sight of my brothers and father gathered around the breakfast table, their voices blending into a comforting symphony of chatter.

I pause for a moment, taking in the scene before me with a mixture of awe and gratitude.

Summoning my courage, I join them at the table, my cheeks flushing with embarrassment at my tardiness.

"Morning, sleeping beauty! You finally decided to join us." Dante says jokingly.

"Cut her some slack. Maybe she was up all night partying." Matteo teases with a smirk.

"Or maybe she's just lazy." Nico uttered. His hair was messy and his eyes looked tired. I can tell he's not a morning person.

"Nico." My father warns.

I looked over at the time 11:12am.
How could I have slept in so late?

   "Sorry, I must've been really tired after shopping yesterday. Thank you by the way, it means a lot to me." I grinned, remembering all the clothes I have to wear now and I have a phone! Along with a laptop, watch, headphones and tablet all from Apple.

I'm so happy.

"You're welcome, bambina." My father says with genuine affection. "We're just glad you enjoyed yourself. Anytime you want to go shopping or do something fun, just let us know. We're here for you."

Tears pool in my eyes and I struggle to contain the overwhelming surge of emotions coursing through me.

It's been years since I've had the chance to indulge in something as simple as a shopping trip, let alone one with my family by my side. My real family.

Blinking back tears, I offer a shaky smile, my heart overflowing with love and appreciation for my father and brothers.

   "Adriana," the father's voice carries a gentle but firm tone, "now that you're back home, there are some house rules we need to discuss."

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