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DECEMBER 20th 2009
12:35 PM

"YOU NOT HUNGRY?" TAY QUESTIONS his brother as LA was quietly on his phone with his black polo beanie over his head that matches his " free da guys 600" jacket on.

LA shooks his head still paying attention on his phone. Knowing damn well his mouth was watering up. As he was on his phone texting somebody came up with happiness in her voice.

"I brought some food!" A girl came up to tay, Justin, rondo and JB table. They all look up seeing it was Jayda then smiled expect La since he ain't paying attention with AirPods Max's blasting.

They all thanked her as she gave them their wingstop, she stopped and pat LA shoulders. He glance up like a lost puppy.

Jayda smiled at him sitting next to him. She took one of his AirPod's Max's out, whispering in his ear. He smiles at what she had said. He was finally getting what he wanted which was...

"I brought you McDonald's ." She said grabbing it oout the bag." Thank you mama." Leonard said kissing Jay cheek like he wasn't just mad at her earlier wayyy earlier.

Von watch they every move getting more jealous and jealous. He never thought he would be jealous over a girl Leonard like. But Jay was adifferently.

That's why he liked her. Von got up grabbing his things leaving the spot making everybody glance at the boy weirdly. "Where you going?" Durk said.

"Imma go chill on the stairs by maself. Lowkey wanna be alone." Von said adding a fake smiled before turning around rolling his eyes.

They all turn back around looking at each other before going back to what they was doing." That was weird." Gotti said. Jay agreed to her eating his food.

They was done with the food and pack their things up going to the classes." See y'all." The young teen  said hugging each one of them until LA.

She wrapped her arms around his neck, placing his arms around her waist smiling at her." Yall niggas gotta be dating." Tay said smacking his lips pushing them into the wall.

"Nah. This ma heart." Knowing she like him. If she did said it then she have been embarrassed because he would have rejected her. She kept that in her head.

"Yea. This mines." Leonard said picking her up making her laughed." Leonard ." He laughs her at before placing her back down on the ground.

She then left going to her other class which was with tay. They both sit next to each other. She smiles going in the class but faded it.

Seeing her male friend with Eva. She didn't really care that they was talking but the fact she's in her seat is Outrageous.

Jayda didn't think to much about it and walk up to them talking Eva shoulder. Eva looks up at her, hugging her.

"Hey girl. You look good." Jayda smiles at her saying the same thing." Well.. um.. can I get my seat now?" Eva looks at Jayda confused before realizing it.

"Oh shit, my foug- nah you good where you at. She can move somewhere else." Von said with a smart mouth taking her side. Eva then shook her head.

Grabbing her things," Nah, this my best friend. I can't do that." Eva said. Jayda rolled her eyes at von. His face expressed was a stink face.

Staring deep in her soul." You know. I could have move?" Jayda said and eva laughed kissing her cheek." You cool. I need to go back in my seat anyway." Eva said.

"You su- Jayda sit down." Eva said making her sit in her seat, hearing a desk move away. She looks seeing that von move away from her.

"Don't do that." Eva said pointing at him and left them two alone. It got awkward with the two because usually they talk until the portion is over but not today.

Jayda had to think of what to say to him so they can say a conversation. She look over seeing he was in his phone watching instagram reels.

She pat his shoulder. He rolled his eyes glancing up at her." What?" Says with a attitude. The reason why he was mad because Leonard kissed her on a cheek.

It wasn't a friendly one, it was like a couple kiss on a cheek like he meant it or something. It hurted von feelings that's why he left.

"Are you mad at me or something?" She said as they make eye contact." What the fuck, I gotta get mad at you fo?" Von said mean mugging her.

"I-I was asking." He shook his head grabbing his things. Leaving to his friends table." Yo, you good?" One of his friends said.

"Yea? Nigga look mad stressed over a bitch." The second friend said he making a joke which was not funny.

"Yes. She just pissed me off." She couldn't hold it no more walking up to his friends table.

"The fuck is in doing to you that's pissing you off?!" She questioning him. Jayda would cry over that but she wasn't going let that shit go.

Von didn't waste no time doing the same back, "Don't fucking worried about it. It ain't yo fucking problem!" Von gets up out his seat yelling at her.

Evalynn got up from her seat pushing Jayda away from von just in case it's get heated up in the classroom.

"Nah, because you moving mad weird!" Jayda said trying to let go from evalynn." Don't do this." Eva said. Von licked his bottom lip staring at her backing away, he learn to not put his hands on a female.

Von walks to them mushing Jayda head." Don't fucking touch me!" She said slapping von hand. He did it again.

That's when you just heard a slap on the face. Like it echo through the hallways." Did this.. bitch...." von wasn't gonna hit back but was trying to hold it in.

"Fuck you!" He said grabbing his shit leaving to the door." Fuck you more!" She said as he slammed the classroom door making everybody be silent. Jayda sighs rubbing her hands on her forehead.

"My heart." Evalynn said stressed out on her best friend.


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