The beginning

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Drew's POV

So to be clear, we weren't really friends in elementary school but we starting getting closer with each other from getting detention in high school. Our names are Sarah the popular one, Danny the jock, Lemi the outcast Caity the nerd and me (Drew) the Hunter. We didn't intended to be friends but life finds a way. After detention we all started hanging out more often as we all taught each other things like I would take them to my farm and showed them my hunting stuff as I've been to their place to hang out. As we're walking around I show them the barn my family keeps our vehicles like trackers, quads and other farming stuff.

Danny: I always thought you had more animals.

Me: We do. They're across the street.

Lemi: What's this?

She takes off the tarp points to a briefcase that I didn't recognize.

Me: A briefcase. I don't recognize it. My dad did let some people work in here. Normally on the upper level of the barn.

I open it and see a lot of buttons. Sarah and Caity look at it.

Sarah: Ooooo buttons.

Caity: Don't press any.

Me: Well let's leave it.

I close it, putting the tarp on and we leave. We get into the SUV Danny owns and we drive to the malt shop we always go too. We order our usual food and drinks.

Danny: What do you think the briefcase is?

Caity: Well with what I saw it probably shrinks people but that's just a theory I picked up on.

Me: Well like I said my dad did let some people work there for a small fee since we do struggle during the winter time.

Sarah: My family can always help. My parents always help people in need. They do do it for attention but I can always help if you need it.

Me: I appreciate it and I'll keep that in the back pocket if needed. The scientists do pay well and during the spring is when we start making money as you guys know we do events year round.

Sarah: I've been a few times. They're really fun!

Lemi: So any plans for the rest of the day?

Danny: Might hang with the guys.

Me: Gotta make sure the animals are in and settled for the night.

Sarah: Might go shopping later but not too sure.

Caity: Nothing.

Lemi: We should have a sleep over.

Caity: Ok.

We all pay and go our separate ways. I drive to my farm and do my duties and make sure the animals are where they need to be. After that I go inside and make dinner for myself. The farm house is so empty since my parents passed away a few years ago but all I do is my best. After eating and cleaning I lay on the couch and put on Netflix and put on a random show. Soon after I fall asleep.

*next day*

I wake up at 4 in the morning out of habit to work. I go outside and put food out for the animals and let them out so they can eat. I also get the tractors ready and set to collect the grain. I hear a car pulling in so I walk out making sure I have my handgun ready just in case. I see Danny get out and walk over.

Dan: Hey bud. Need some him?

Me: Sure but park the car next to mine so it's not in the way.

He does that and I show him the ropes.

*half the day passes*

Dan and I put everything away after putting the grain in the silos and tractors away.

Me: Thanks got the help man.

Dan: No problem. As you know I need the extra credits for college.

Me: Of course. Besides I'm always welcoming help and who's better then the high school jock.

We laugh as we walk into my place.

Me: You hungry?

Dan: Starving.

Me: Anything specific?

Dan: Anything edible.

Me: Bet.

I make him my dads homemade burger with fries.

Me: What would you like to drink?

Dan: Whatever pop you got.

Me: Rum and coke it is.

Dan: No rum just coke.

Me: Alright.

I pour him a giant mug of pop while I open up a Mickey's which is my go to beer. We eat and talk about random stuff.

Dan: Well thank you for the burger which is the best burger ever.

Me: If you like that you'll love the stakes I make. Best stake in town.

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