The Artifact

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Dan's POV

Sarah was on vacation with her family in Spain for the summer. So it's just Drew, Lemi, Caity and I just hanging out for the summer so we're here on the farm hanging out in the barn having some beer for us guys and some wine for the girls.

Drew: How do you get drinks for free?

Me: My uncle owns a brewery and my aunt who owns a winery. My dad owns a weed store so I get weed for free.

Caity: So lucky.

Drew: No wonder we're good friends.

Lemi: Where's the weed then?

Drew: Yeah bud.

Me: Is that why you call me bud? Cause I have weed?

Drew: Maybe. Let's light one up and find out.

I take out four joints and give one to everyone but Caity.

Caity: I don't smoke weed. I don't care if you guys do I just don't want to.

Drew: That's ok.

We smoke our joints while Caity drinks her wine.

*hours pass*

We're walking around Drew's farm and walks in the cornfield. We all have walkie-talkie's in case we get lost. We also have a flashlights for when it gets dark. We walk around the corn field that doesn't get used often so we've been wondering around for hours. As we're walking we see something glowing. It was dark now so it wasn't hard to miss it. We all to it to look at it.

Caity: You think this is what those scientists were working on?

Drew: Maybe. I was really young when it was happening and since my parents passed I just let them be. I think we should figure it out tomorrow.

Lemi touch's it as we grab her to stop her but seams to do nothing but we pass out soon after.

*hours pass*

I wake up and only see Lemi and Caity still sleeping but can't see Drew. I see we're in a briefcase so I wake Caity and Lemi up and when they are awake we get out and walk outside of the hole we're in.

Lemi: Where's Drew?

Caity: Yeah?

Me: I'm not sure. He wasn't with us when I woke up. You know them farmers wake up early no matter what.

After that we see Drew walking back over.

Drew: Hey guys. Took you long enough to wake up.

Me: How long were we out for?

Drew checks his watch: Two days.

Caity: Really two days?

Drew: Yeah. I've been busy not dying or letting you guys die.

Me: What do you mean? And where are we?

Drew: On the farm still but we're the size of a ladybug.

Lemi: Are you saying we shrunk?

Drew: So it seams.

We look at him and see he has an axe, bow with a bunch of arrows and a hammer amongst other things.

Drew: I've seen some horrifying things so might as well stay close and learn. You good with weapons?

Me: I guess. A little rusty with the bow.

Drew: Then you get the axe and shovel.

He hands me the axe. We walked around as he's showing us around to what he's done so far.

Drew: As far as I got here is a workbench cause I need someplace to build things and that's pretty much it for now. Now that you guys are here I can get some more help.

Lemi: So what have you encountered so far?

Drew: Well I wrote stuff down cause I came across many insects and creepy crawlers.

Caity: So spiders and stuff.

Drew: Yeah.

Me: Man I hate spiders.

Drew: Well your going to have to help me. So hopefully you can learn to kill.

Me: Well better them then me.

Lemi: Well you'll need to teach us how to kill them. I am a good archer so there's that.

Drew and I make some lean-to as he calls them for us to sleep but they're tents really. Drew and I go hunting for good so we'll be good for morning. We soon fall asleep as night falls on us.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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