Chapter 2

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There suddenly was a huge commotion between the six man in front of him. They were talking over one another, each one trying to be heard first.
Yoongi held up his hands and waited for them to quiet down at least a little bit.
"Listen, I am not entirely sure it's her,but..." his voice trailed off as his mind wandered back to the young woman he had met earlier.
Jimin groaned, "Why did you let her leave? You should've made sure she stays, we need her!"
There was the slightest tone of accusation in his voice and Yoongi shot him a warning glance.
"I couldn't hold her hostage, could I?"
Now Namjoon stepped up, his face a mask of deep contemplation.
"Do you have a way to contact her?"
Yoongi shook his head and there was another outburst of exclamations from the others.
"I know I messed up completely, but you don't understand."
Namjoon nodded his head once and walked closer to pat his shoulder.
"You're right, we don't understand. I still hope you know how important she is for us and that we will have to find her again."
"I gave her my number and hope she will contact me."
Jimin scoffed,"Well, at least you were able to think about that. Otherwise just letting her slip away as it had no importance whatsoever."
Yes,he had messed up and was perfectly aware of that, but talking like that to him really wasn't necessary, was it?
Jin came to his rescue and started to usher the others out of the room. In the endthere were only Yoongi, Jin and Namjoon left in the living room. They sat in silence for a while, Yoongi still constantly checking his phone.
How much time had passed? Shouldn't she be at home by now?
He sighed heavily, got to his feet and started pacing back and forth. His friends watched him in silence for a while longer until Namjoon decided to speak again.
"Look. I know we sounded awfully judging earlier, but ... Well, given the circumstances, I am sure you understand."
A single nod was all he got for an answer and he took that as a sign that it was okay to keep talking.
"Do you know her name at least?"
"Yeah, it's Y/N."
Namjoon and Jin exchanged a glance. Yoongi stopped his pacing and looked curiously at them.
"Do you know her?"
Jin fidgeted with the hem of his shirt.
"I went to school with a girl that had the same name. No idea if that's who you met tonight, though."
"Wouldn't you have noticed?"
The older man shook his head at that.
"No,I wouldn't have been able to see her aura the way you do. Don't you remember? It would only show to the two of you."
Yoongi stood there for a moment, mouth slightly open, as he all of a sudden fully realized what had happened earlier.
"It ... She must be the one then. She kept staring and was babbling about how pretty my aura is.Now that I am thinking about it..."
Namjoon got to his feet, the excitement obviously too much for him to stay seated, "What?"
"Her aura changed while she was with me..."
The other two stared at him and the silence was suddenly broken by his phone vibrating.
"Is it from her?"
Jin's voice was a few octaves higher than usual and he hastily clapped a hand over his mouth in embarrassment.
Yoongichecked the short text he had just received.
[Unknown]I am home now. Thanks again for letting me stay at your house for a bit.
"She's home now."
Jin hastily got to his feet, "Let's go pick her up then!"
Yoongi stared at him with wide eyes.
"What are you talking about? We can't just go there and bring her with us."
Namjoon nodded in agreement, "He's right, Jin. Give it some time."
The oldest just scoffed and left the room.
I was staring down at my phone. Had it been the right thing to text him? He had my number now and I was unsure if I liked that or not.
My phone vibrated and I nearly dropped it, catching it just before it could hit the floor.
[Yoongi] Thank you for letting me know.
I tossed the phone onto my bed and changed into my pyjamas before slipping under the covers.
It had been a weird evening to say the least. Difficult as it was to push the man with the beautiful aura out of my head, it wasn't much of a surprise that he was in my dreams that night.

I woke on the next day with a throbbing headache and sat up with a groan. It felt like my skull was about to split open and I dragged myself to the bathroom to look for painkillers. Once I had taken one of the pills, I slouched back to my bed and grabbed my phone off the night stand. My finger hovered over the message I had received from Yoongi and I had to fight the urge to message him.
What was wrong with me? He was a total stranger and I was most likely never to see him again. Why did I feel like I just absolutely had to text him?
I groaned and instead messaged my best friend.

[Y/N] Hey, are you free today? I need to tell you something.
[Suji] Yeah sure, do you want me to come over?
[Y/N] No... let's meet at our usual spot. I'll be there in twenty minutes.
[Suji] Alright! See you soon!
[Suji]What you wanna tell me, though?
[Y/N] You will know soon enough.

I laughed at her impatience,quickly regretting it because it made my head throb again. Then I rolled out of bed once I had recovered somewhat to get dressed.
Twenty minutes later I arrived at our meeting point and Suji beamed at me, practically vibrating with excitement.
"Tell meee. Now."
She hugged me swiftly even though she had just demanded from me to spill the beans and we started walking down the avenue that would bring us to the cafe we usually visited together.
"Well. I met a man yesterday evening."
She gasped, her eyes as round as saucers.
"A man? Where? Who?"
"Just a man. I was waiting for the bus during the thunderstorm and he suddenly appeared."
I threw her a quick glance and had to chuckle at the face she made.
"Look, I didn't hook up or anything... Anyways. What's more important to know is that he had the most unique aura."
That piqued her interest even more, "How so?"
I closed my eyes for a moment to think back to what exactly his aura had been like.
"It's hard to describe, really... It was a bit like it wasn't exactly showing his emotions, because it was a constant mix of the same colors and hues..."
"Sounds complicated."
I chuckled, "Yeah, no... Kinda. I was still able to notice when his mood changed but..."
My voice trailed away and I just felt lost for words. I had no idea how to best describe to her what it had been like.
Suji ignored that and grabbed my hand,squeezing it in a reassuring way.
"Will you see him again?"
Would I? I remembered the urge to message him earlier and thinking about not seeing him again, made my heart clench ever so slightly.
We reached the cafe in silence, but Suji kept pulling me further ahead, "Let's keep walking. I think you need it, huh?"
I nodded, not really paying attention where we were headed. Suji just followed along, chatting away next to me to fill the silence. I only listened half-heartedly, though. My headache still wasn't getting really any better and I also couldn't help but think about Yoongi. I tried not to think of him, but my brain seemed really determined of making sure that I wouldn't forget him. And, in a way, I was terribly aware of the fact that I had no intention of forgetting him anyway.That was scary. He was a complete stranger but I had the inexplicable feeling that I just needed him. Never in my life had I felt this same need for another person.
"Uh... Y/N?"
Suji's voice pulled me out of my reverie and I looked at her, "Yeah?"
She waved her hands around to bring my attention to our surroundings.
"I have no clue where we are. I was just following you, not really paying attention to where you were going."
I looked around and was taken aback once I remembered the neighbourhood.
"Oh God."
My head was spinning and my vision started to blur. I grabbed Suji's arm when I felt my knees buckle. She made a startled noise and wrapped her arms around my waist, trying to hold me upright.
The last thing I noticed before I blacked out was a door being opened, followed by the worried sounding shout of a man.

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