||-''谦虚--- RUI's alphabet

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"Do we have to do this? I didn't know my alphabet till i was 6, I sucked in school."

"Yes, shoo, they're waiting for you."

"Yes, Manager-nim.

Oh... The first letter, That's A, right? Uhm... What begins with A? Uh... What's that? Aquarium? Oh! Aquarius."

A- Aquarius (zodiac sign)

"B... Does banana count? I like bananas. Oh, about me. Brave! I'm brave right?"

B- brave (not true)

"C, My english name is Calix so... uh yeah!"

C- Calix (english name)

"The next letter is D, this is actually really quick! D, D, D... I'm very... I want to say dashing but Dasher is a reindeer so it's odd. No, I'm not delicate, Manager-nim-"

D- Delicate (the truth)

"Why am I being described as Delicate? I'm nothing like delicate! What's the next letter anyway? Wait... A, B, C, D, Oh, It's E. I'm everyone's simping victim."

E- Everyone's simping victim

"F. Oh god, I don't know maybe ✗CENSORED✗? Wait no, that doesn't make sense. F... No don't you give me that look."

F- fragile

"G... Oh, thats a hard one. Good. I'm a good boy? Oh, that sounds terrible coming out of my mouth. That's Taehyungie's line."

G- Good boy (Taehyung's line)


H- handsome

"I... am... Interested in ARMY."

I- interested in ARMY

"I'm very jaw-droppingly attractive, no one can deny that I'm the hottest person-"

"Hey, Haneul? Have you seen my charger?"

"-And of course Seokjin-hyung has to steal my spotlight. nO, I'm not jealous."

J- Jealous (Of JIN)

"Its L next right? What was that? Cafe? OH, K! I'm Kind."

K- Kind

"It's L now! La Rochelle citizen here~"

L- La Rochelle (birthplace, hometown)

"M... M... Ma... M... Meeee... Oh. Maths. I hate maths, When do we need to use it? We have calculators-"

M- Maths (FAVOURITE subject)

"N... Hm. Neptune's my favourite planet."

N- Neptune

"O. O. O. I've just realised how many options I had for A. I could of put Astronomy, I loved that... Astronaut, I wanted to be a part of ✗CENSORED✗ when I was younger... Art, I loved art! Aloïs, I was supposed to be named Aloïs you know? Oh shush... I need a distraction. For O... I am... a... Olympic Champion! I won in the smartest person in the year!"

"You don't know your alphabet properly."

"I heard you, hyung."

O- Olympic champion (dumbest person in the year)

"P is for Profiterole. I love them so much."

P- Profiterole (favourite dessert)


Q- Questionable

"R... I think... I think I have big dreams but I have no motivation. I'm Realistic. Tell me I'm right."

R- Realistic

"S huh? I'm single I guess. Oh god, that's the worst answer ever, WAIT DON'T WRITE THAT DOWN."

S- Single (won't be by the way he's flirting with ARMY)

"T... Hm. Wait. My BT21's name is Tenesea. Does that count? Off topic but buy Tenesea please. I keep finding videos on my Tiktok for you page where it's a complimention of Tenesea being thrown around by Jungkook. Take him away."

T- Tenesea (BT21)

"U. Have I answered this one? I'm sure I have. Unrealistic."

Flashback to a moment ago.
"-I think I have big dreams but I have no motivation. I'm realistic. Tell me I'm right."

U- unrealistic (which one?)

"V is a really hard one. Wait, No it's not. Valentines day is my birthday! The day where I'm alone." Haneul gave a finger heart. "Valentino as well. Please buy stuff. The more I sponsor the more money I get."

V- Valentines day, Valentino (Birthday, abassador brand)

"W is such an annoying one. I don't know anything~ Winner maybe?"

W- winner (false, sore loser)

"X. Why are the last ones so hard? I've had an X-Ray multiple times. It's scary."

X- X-ray (not scary, RUI is just a scaredy cat)

"Y for Young!"

Y- Young (nearly 23)

"Aaaa! I'm nearly done. Z for Zylaphone. Wait. It doesn't count? Why? Oh. Begins with X. Zeus. Boom. We're done."

Z- Zeus (Greek god, does not describe RUI)

[this was so hard 😭😭 I'm not a native speaker of english so I struggled sm. I had a whole ass dictionary in front of me]

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