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Name --  lee y/n
Agr -- 19
Parents -- Mrs Lee and Mr Lee
About -- innocent ,kind,helps everyone,love her friends and parents,can do anything for her loved once,hate violence,love chocolate and stuff toys, she is a baby, soon to be the CEO of lee corporation.
Friends -- lia, nara, eunwoo, suho, soobin

Friends -- lia, nara, eunwoo, suho, soobin

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Name -- Kim taehyung
Age -- 25
Parents --Mrs Kim and Mr Kim
About --  cold hearted,cruel, have no mercy on his enemies,hate liers, hate betrayers and all the girls are gold diggers for him, love his friends and parents, mafia king and CEO of Kim corporations

Name -- Kim taehyung Age -- 25Parents --Mrs Kim and Mr Kim About --  cold hearted,cruel, have no mercy on his enemies,hate liers, hate betrayers and all the girls are gold diggers for him, love his friends and parents, mafia king and CEO of Kim co...

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name of the group BTS (ignore tae)

They all are mafia's and no.1 business tycoon including tae I will introduce everyone in the story.

( I will introduce other characters in the story and do not get offend by any character I just use their names)

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