Part-1 (first meet)

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Beep!!! beep!!! beep!!!

??:: ughhh...why this
alarm always wake me up I wanna sleep more.
(She off the alarm)
??: y/n wake up princess you have to go to college
Y/n: nae eomma
Y/m: go and fresh up breakfast is ready
( She stand up from the bed and lazily enter the washroom pouting cutely)

After sometime she came back getting ready for the college

Y/n: eomma where is my breakfast I am getting late
Y/m: here is your breakfast my ynieee eat properly
Y/n: okieee eommaaa

After eating breakfast chan came (y/n personal bodyguard)
Chan:  miss y/n
Y/n: nae oppa
Chan:  miss y/n can we go you're getting late
Y/n: nae oppa but I told you to call me only y/n right I am younger than you
(Chan skretch his neck)
Y/n: let's go oppa
(Chan noded and they went towards the car she sit on the passenger seat and chan started driving)

After sometime they reach the university when she enter the hallway she got attack with two tight hug from her unnie's

Y/n: yahhh unnie I can't breathhh
??: oops sorry cupcake
Y/n: unnieee I miss you (she said cutely and jump on her unnie's)
Nara: cupcake we miss you too
Lia: yeahhh our babyyy
??: princess won't you hug your oppa's
She broke the hug and saw sehun and suho with eunwoo standing
She run to them and jump on them and shout
Y/n: oppa
Eunwoo: yahhh you didn't hug me cupcake
Then she went to him and hug him too
Suho: ok ok so now tell us princess where do you wanna hangout today we met after 2 days
Y/n: ummm... let's go amusement park (she said while jumping like a babyy)
Nara: yeah we didn't go there it's been so long
Sehun: ok so after University we will go to amusement park
Y/n: yeahhhhh
( Then someone came and back hug y/n from behind)
??: babyy

( She froze it's hyunjin he is school's heart throb and he propose y/n but she want to complete her study so she refuse his proposal from then hyunjin is behind her he never let any boy came near her who ever in the college came to talk to her they ended up in the hospital)

(Btw sehun, nara, eunwoo, lia, subo are heartthrob of the college the protect y/n from everyone and sehun and Lia are couple and suho and nara are couple)

Suho: hyunjin leave our princess if you don't want to get beaten up by us
Hyunjin: why can't I hug my girl
Lia: she is not your girl leave her

(Hyunjin broke the hug and turn her around)
Hyunjin: babyy I miss you

(She didn't said anything)

Hyunjin: okayy don't say anything but you know I am throwing a party today because we got a new project in our company you have to come okk and you can come with your friends ok byee I'll meet you in the party

Eunwoo: hyung I am going to beat the shit out of him
Suho: no calm down we have to go he invited everyone in the college
Sehun: ya we know he is crazy
Lia: but where is the party
Nara: in a club
Lia: what about y/n she never went to a club
Y/n: it's ok unnie I wanna go
Bell ring!!!
Eunwoo: let's talk later class is about to start

( He holds y/n's hand and started running towards their class)
Lia: yahhh sloww down

Then they all went to their classes

In canteen

They sat on their table and started talking about the party

Eunwoo: I don't wanna take y/n to club

(Y/n went to do somework)

Suho: Mee too
Lia: but she wants to go their
Nara: she don't know which type of place club is
Lia: yeah she is innocent
Sehun: we have to take her their but remember don't leave her alone even for a second
Eunwoo: yeah we will protect our princess

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