4 | Secretly Care

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── ★ L u n a ' s P O V

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── ★ L u n a ' s P O V

Standing in the rain, My love increased towards the gentle drizzle finding solace in it, However, The mere thought of a storm filled my soul with fear, Raindrops are beautiful, but the storms horrifies me.

Taking a look at my wristwatch, I rushed towards the bus stop, realizing i was running late I sighed.

With quick steps, i hurried to catch the bus before it departed, determined to make it on time. My Abaya soaked up the rain, the gentle patter of raindrops continued to cascade down, enveloping me in the warmth, peace, and solace i yearned for.

Settling into the window seat of the bus, I reached into my bag pulling out my favorite book, "Peer-e-Kamil." The book in my hands brought a sense of comfort, escaping my soul to a world where I could cease the worries and fears.

I was lost reading the book, completely engrossed in its pages, until a realization hit me. it was almost time to reach my home, no actually house.

I quickly placed the book inside my bag, settling my khimar and abaya i let my lips curve into an genuine smile seeing a little boy playing in the bus, while his mom is trying hard to control him. Kids are cute!

My heart sank as the bus came to a stop, and I stepped off. after a bit of walking, I finally reached the house, which i never wanted. While the rainwater had already soaked my abaya, but I still hurried on, as it was soon time for Salah.

The house looming in front of my eyes which was once filled with Ammi and my laughter.

I entered the house with my tiny steps, my entire body was trembling as i tried to take a deep breath and recited Ayat-ul-Kursi. Each word i uttered brought solace in my heart, Allah save me from them.

My lips curved into a smile as i scanned my surroundings, finding no one in sight. The solitude brought a sense of calm over me, and i quickly proceeded towards my room, basically a storage space.

As i was about to take a step on the stairs, Sofia's piercing scream freezed me. The abrupt sound jolted me, causing my heart to race faster Ya Allah.

I turned towards Sofia widening my eyes i dropped a questioning look, her eyes filled with rage. She strolled towards me as her lips turned into an evil smirk and said, "You think you're eligible to question me?" listening to each of her word i took a deep breath as i decided to not say anything in return.

Do not let their words sadden you.

"Just reminding that tomorrow's your engagement then, after the wedding you are no more in this house. And you know what I pity that man who's gonna marry you but also I deeply want him to torture you to death. Interesting right? Play my role well you dumbass." she said detailing each of her hurtful word, I sincerely I want her to like me as her sister. Even if we aren't from the same mother but I still love her and pray that Allah guides her to the right path.

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