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Stella sat in the staff room, quickly treating her wounds from the kitchen accident with utensils due her clumsiness. As she reached for the first aid kit, Vincent entered the staff room with his usual stern demeanor, walking purposefully and standing tall beside her.

"Let me do that for you. It's not like you know how to clean your cuts properly. Such a troublesome brat..."

With sternness in his voice, loud and clear, Vincent bent down slightly to firmly grasped Stella's hands. He was fully aware that her stubbornness would prevent her from listening to him. Like always.

"Excuse me?"

Stella shot him a glare as she withdrew her hands from Vincent's grasp. She felt like he was looking down on her, thinking she couldn't take care of herself.

"Thanks for your concern but I can do it by myself. Oh, and I'm not a troublesome brat, you assh*le..."

Vincent's eye twitched in an annoyance when Stella withdrew her hands from his. A look of irritation crossed his face, his patience beginning to wear thin.

"Watch your tongue, you pathetic brat. I'm trying to help you. It's no surprise your own mother abandoned a mess like you."

Vincent replied in an icy tone as he stared at her with serious eyes, not wanting to deal with her bullshit*t due to overwhelming pressure at the restaurant especially with a new waiter, Rody Lamoree.

Stella stood, her eyes flashing with fury when Vincent mentioned her mother. Her knuckles whitened as she clenched her fists, staring daggers into his eyes. Unable to contain her anger, she lunged forward and grabbed Vincent's collar, her grip tight and forceful, making it clear just how furious she was.

"Shut it, f*ck face...Say another word about my mother and I swear, I'll break your d*mn skull..." Stella stated coldly as her eyes were full of rage.

Vincent chuckled lightly as Stella grabbed his collar in a fit of rage. He wasn't fazed at all by her display of anger; in fact, he found it almost adorable. Standing beside her, towering over her as she stood, he saw her like a small dog barking fiercely. He stared down at her with his icy eyes, amused by her futile attempt to threaten him.

"Oh, so you're feeling feisty today, aren't you, Star~? Go ahead, try and break my skull. We both know you lack the strength to do it~"

Vincent replied in a teasing tone, slightly mocking her futile attempt at intimidation.

Stella stayed silent, glaring at him intensely. She clenched one fist and firmly grabbed his collar with her other hand, showing her anger clearly.

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