Chapter 2: Warren

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Pic of Chapterrrrr 2 is Warren. I don't have anything long to say this chapter so's chapter 2 lol O.O
•_•_•_•_•_•_•_•_•_•_•_•_•_•_•_•_•_•_ Mikey didn't get back to our dorm for an hour after he left. When he did, he was clearly upset. As soon as he walked in, you could tell. "Hey okay?" I asked, then regretted it. It's such a meaningless question. Mikey just looks up at me and shakes his head no. I open my arms and Mikey practically falls into them. I hug him tightly and he starts crying on my shoulder. "Why didn't I succeed Warren? I don't want to be here anymore!" He cries. Mikey is younger than all of us. He just turned sixteen. When he finally got here, he was in really bad shape. He was incredibly malnourished and you could see his spine and ribs clearly. He didn't talk to anybody, ever. He sat in a corner and didn't talk even if he was being talked to. It took forever for the poor kid's bruises to fade too. His parents would beat the hell out of him. I don't know the full story but I know it was bad. When or if he gets out of here, he pretty much has nowhere to go. His parents are on trial to go to jail and his older brother Otto isn't of legal age to have legal custody of Mikey and his younger sister Romy yet. Otto and Romy were verbally abused but never physically. They are smart and Otto is athletic. Mikey doesn't like being forced to remember what went on there. He can't testify against his parents because they don't think he is mentally fit. Otto and Romy are the only two that can testify. I mean Mikey himself is living proof of his parents abuse but it isn't good enough for the stupid judge.
Mikey ends up crying himself to sleep in my arms so I lay him down and cover him up and go get myself ready for bed, then hop in my bed beside him.
The next morning I wake up early as usual and get ready. I can hear Mikey grumbling in his sleep and smile warmly. He's like a little brother to me and if I could I would have him come live with us. But I have two other siblings and a step brother. I doubt my parents would want another loose cannon in their house. Plus Romy and Otto come visit Mikey every chance they get so we would have to take them in too, at least until Otto turns 18. My step mom would adore Romy. My dad would probably like Otto too. Fritz and Otto would probably get along also. He is my step brother and is seventeen. Same age as Otto and myself. Arden and my step mom Freya would love Romy. Arden is fourteen and has a twin brother named Anton. My mother was a crazy alcoholic and my dad cheated on her with Freya. Freya was always good to us kids though. Her son Fritz also got along with the twins and I didn't dislike him. He is a nice guy. It was hard on them to send me away but they all agreed it was to help me. I would be really really depressed then they would try to comfort me and I would start yelling and get really angry for no real reason. Then I would cry and feel guilty. Arden said I was like a girl on her period. They've come to visit but they're all busy too.
"Warren?" Mikey asks cracking his eyes open. I smile at him and he smiles a little back. "Rise and shine sunshine. Time to start your day!" I say jokingly and he chuckles. He stretches like a cat and I look down at the floor sadly. He is still so skinny. You can't count his ribs anymore but his thighs and stomach are still really small. "Stop looking like that Warren. I'm getting better." Mikey says frowning. "I can't help it. I know you're gaining weight but still." I reply. Mikey stands up and walks to the bathroom and starts brushing his teeth. I comb my black hair into a more or less neat fringe. Don't judge me. When all you have to wear is white clothes, you have to find something to do what you want with.
"Come on boys, breakfast!" A nurse says peaking her head through the door. We nod and head out. Upon entering the cafeteria I find myself looking for something. Well someone. Carter. He's really intriguing. I don't know why. "What are you looking for?" Mikey asks. "Carter. He doesn't know anyone else so I mean." I reply looking down at him. He nods and points toward the food line. I look and see the green eyed boy standing in the line. "You go get your food, I will wait for you with Carter, yeah?" I ask. Mikey just nods his head yes and walks back out of the cafeteria and toward Dr. H's office. I walk up to the line and get some food. It all looks crappy and stale. I look around to find Carter and find him sitting at a table by himself in the corner. Not many of the other boys sit alone. They have all made friends. I walk over to his table and smile at him "Can I sit here?" I ask. He nods yes. "How was your night?" I ask him politely. "Meh. My roommate snores." I chuckle quietly and ask "Who is it?" "A guy named Decker." He answers. I nod "Yeah he is close to getting out so he won't be here much longer. Carter looks down at his gross looking food. "You have to eat it or they'll keep you in here longer." I tell him and he looks up at me alarmed. "We HAVE to eat this?!" He exclaims. I smile amused and say "Yeah." Mikey comes over to us and sits down beside me. "Hey Carter." Mikey says. Carter looks at Mikey and replies "Hi." Mikey's plate consists of healthy food but it looks better and has more food on it. "What all do we do today?" Carter asks. I shrug and reply "A couple of therapy sessions and visiting hours and that's about it." Carter groans. "There's literally no freedom or anything!" He exclaims. "We're all considered mentally ill, why would they give us freedom?" Mikey asks bitterly. I nod in agreement.
Carter actually looks pretty disappointed. "When are visiting hours?" He asks thoughtfully. "Um, like 3:45 to 5:30pm." I reply. He looks at me and asks "Do you get visitors? Siblings, parents?" Mikey flinches at the work 'parents' but Carter doesn't seem to notice. I look down at my food "Sometimes my step mom and my dad come. My younger brother Anton and sister Arden are active in school extracurricular activities like chorus and sports. My step brother Fritz just doesn't come around much because we weren't exactly very close." Carter studies my face for a minute then nods. "How about you Mikey?" The black haired boy stiffens. "S-Sometimes my brother Otto and sister Romy come." He answers quietly. I nudge him softly and nod my head toward his food and he picks up his sandwich looks at it for a second, then starts eating it. He's still not used to eating regularly. His parents didn't exactly feed him or let him eat much.
Carter asks a lot of questions. It's not a bad thing by any means. Breakfast was over way too soon. Next is Group Therapy. It is the worst for Mikey, and I am not so fond of it myself.

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