01 - Finders, keepers

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Room 1764. The room in the Reverie that is called to be haunted. There is a story that follows a young merchant who decided to have a holiday trip in the Dreamscape. It is said that he had never returned. Therefore no one ever wanted to go into that room ever again. I mean who could disappear like that? Is that not pretty eerie? Not even the Family has an answer.

Speaking about the Family, business was not doing well for them at this time. The story about the merchant was just a tip of the iceberg. The Family tried to hide as much as possible. Even if there was still lots of money, the Dreamscape was slowly falling apart. Mysterious disappearances, weird places opening or dangerous glitches. Someone had to fix that or Penacony was doomed to fall. Someone, who has enough determination and power.

Sitting on a fancy soft padded chair, Sunday was just about to finish his usual work in reality. He observed the documents in his hands when he heard something like...an explosion? It immediately made him stand up from his seat and wonder if he should check it out. Then he remembered, that he actually has another people to run errands for him. He pressed the telephone speaker onto his ear and dialed the number of his assistant.
"This person is not available, please try later." A robotic voice came from the phone. Right. His assistant is on a break right now, she already gave her excuse of being worn out from her job. Sighing, his curiosity got the best out of him and made him go look after the explosion. Maybe someone was already there and solving the situation?

After a while he found himself standing outside of the room 1764. He does not know why or how he got there, well he does not even remember where exactly he heard the explosion sound coming from. The silence and no other people had surprised him. Isn't an explosion a big deal? Shouldn't there be workers or members of the Family rushing to this place? Mindlessly he touched the door handle, opening the door.

Nothing could've prepared him for what he saw. At first, bright light blinded his eyes, which he covered by his hands by instinct. He was arguing with himself if he should leave and just get another assistant tomorrow to look upon this matter. The light stopped blinding him just in time before he could decide to go away. Then he had fully entered the room.

He saw a figure sitting on the floor having her back leaned into the wall. Dazzling long h/c hair were covering the naked body of a young woman who had her eyes closed. Sunday's eyes widened in curiosity and shock. She was beautiful, like an angel. Which is ironic, because he himself is kind of an angel. Or maybe she was stunning like a goddess instead of a lowly angel? No. The right word for her was mesmerizing. But who was she? And what was she doing there? This room is supposed to be locked and inaccessible to public. Was she even conscious?
The room was so quiet that the blue haired confused man could hear his own breathing. And if he was paying attention, he could hear the muffled breaths of the mysterious lady.

He wanted to come closer to her to check if she's okay, but he didn't want to feel like creep - she had no clothes after all. The only thing covering her private parts was her long glowing hair. But what if she needs help? Sunday took a deep breath and took a few steps closer to the woman. "Achoo!" The lady coughed, but her eyes remained unopened. That made the halovian man startled. 

"Are you scared by an unconcious caughing girl now, really Sunday?" he thought to himself. Something like a magnetic force was smoothly manipulating him to come closer until he was just inches in front of her sleeping face. Her eyes guarded by her eylids with long lashes calmly in place. He wondered, what colour they would be if they had opened. Then he observed her lenghty h/c hair, but when he realized that they are the only veil she had, he instantly looked away. He promised himself to not be a creep, yet he just acted like one. What kind of gentleman stares at an unconcious naked woman? Sunday felt disgusted by himself. 

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫 [Sunday x FEM!reader]Where stories live. Discover now