Chapter 7: Skyward Brawl

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Urgently, they burst into the sanctuary of a healing temple, carrying Lyssa's limp form, her skin much paler than usual. A healer takes quick notice of their anguished faces.

"Quick! We need help! She's bleeding out!" Thalia's voice echoes with desperation, pleading for immediate aid.

"Quick! Lay her down!" the healer commands.

Two healers rush to Lyssa's side, their faces etched with concern as they assess her condition. Lyssa's anguished expression reflects her intense suffering, her body wracked with pain and her consciousness slipping away as she coughs up blood. Thalia's voice quivers with emotion as she utters Lyssa's name, tears welling up in her eyes, a mixture of fear and despair gripping her heart.

"Give us time," the healer states. "We will do our best to save her."

"Please do..." Thalia begs.

"Come, Thalia, we should let them work," Dorias inserts.

"Indeed, we must go," Miran agrees.

As they exit the temple, Thalia's face contorts with a mixture of anguish, pain and anger. Dorias moves closer to comfort Thalia, but he pauses abruptly as Thalia begin screaming in what can only be described as pure agony. Relentlessly she begins attacking objects with her bare hands, smashing a few barrels before turning her attention towards a stone wall, her anger growing. She then begins punching the wall, each strike more intense than the last, the blood from her knuckles staining the wall and dripping from her hands. The assault on the wall so intense, it has bits of blood splattering onto Thalia's face, leaving cracks on the wall. Finally spent, Thalia collapses against the unforgiving stone, tears mingling with the crimson streaks on her cheeks, her sobs echoing in the cavernous silence.

"Why... Dammit!" Thalia's voice breaks, frustration and despair intertwining in her words as she curses aloud. With a primal cry of anguish, she slams her head against the unyielding stone wall, each impact a desperate plea for release from the torment consuming her soul. "It's all my fault!"

"Thalia..." Dorias murmurs. "Please... it is not your fault..."

"Indeed, there was nothing you could do," Miran adds.

"Oh yeah?!" Thalia turns to them, her tear0stained face contorted with fury. "I could have killed Perseus! I could have offered my own life instead! Don't fucking tell me I couldn't do anything!"

"Thalia, please calm down," Dorias begs, his voice tinged with concern. "Lyssa will be alright."

"And what about Roman?!" Thalia asks. "What about his fate?! He's nothing but a statue now!"

"I'm sure we can..." Dorias adds.

"No!" Thalia's voice breaks over Dorias's. "There's only one thing I want! And that's to find Perseus!"

"Then let's go!" Dorias shouts. "I want him dead, too! And, dammit, it's what he deserves!"

Thalia looks at Dorias, her expression calming slightly as she views the shared anguish of her comrade. Then, all of a sudden, lightning strikes the ground, and what's revealed are two warriors in Olympian apparel, both wielding swords.

"Prepare to die! Glory for Olympus!" One warrior declares.

In an instant, Thalia springs into action, a whirlwind of fury unleashed upon the warriors. With lethal precision, her blade dances through the chaos of battle. Meanwhile, Dorias fires bolts from afar. One of Dorias's bolts hits a warrior in the eye. Seizing the opportunity, Thalia swiftly moves in, slashing his throat with her blade.

But the skirmish takes its toll, as a sharp blow grazes Thalia's arm, drawing blood. Yet, fueled by anger, she presses on, her resolve unbroken. With ferocious tenacity, she retaliates, each strike more vicious than the last, until finally, her foe falls before her, defeated by her unyielding spirit and deadly skill as he is brutally impaled by her blade. The fury in her eyes meet the agony in his.

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