Three - Connection

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Around 2:30 pm, forty minutes before the run-in between Yuki Hakai and Izuku Midoriya. Yuki found herself in a situation where she believed would be the most embarrassing predicament in her entire life. As overdramatic as it may seem, to her, it was completely reasonable, that boy was nothing but trouble. She was sure of it.

Darting through crowds of people without so much as an apology, Yuki pushed and shoved civilians out of her way so she could break free from the herd and catch her breath. At this point, she had been running for what felt like hours, jumping like a spooked kitten at the slightest glimpse of the color red or green. Once free, she grabbed her knees and hunched over, gasping harshly with wide eyes and a quivering mouth.

Yuki began to recall the events that played out throughout the week. Like just yesterday..

  Early in the evening, Yuki just so happened to be subconsciously blocking a walkway. Here is where she felt a tap on her arm.

She shrieked like a preschool girl.

Gathering the undivided attention of passersby in the mall. In an instant, she grew red, embarrassed like a schoolgirl confessing to her crush. Yuki Hakai. Embarrassed?

It's not like this has ever happened before, she's always been hyper-aware of her surroundings and not one person, other than Hiro, has been able to sneak up on her. Especially, not in public. Not like that.

So when this teenage boy, someone she could've easily felt in her presence, manages to get under her radar without even trying, she found herself shocked to the core. Was she losing her edge? She thought. Then it hit her when she saw his face.

'This boy again?!'

"Girl from before..?" The freckled boy with the dorky face recognized her. Not like it was hard, Yuki doesn't have a face that you can easily forget, especially not in Japan.

Yuki had to manually check her surroundings, he completely threw her off. This boy. He frightened her.

Blush still warming her cheeks, she frantically took a step back, then took off. Just like that, without a word. Out of character if she must say so herself.

Leaving the kid there to soak in the consequences of her off behavior. People's attention soon turned to him, but they weren't what he was worried about.

"Uh—.. Nice seeing you again..?" He weakly raised his hand.

Yuki wiped the sweat from her brow, still hunched over. Most embarrassing predicament? That sounded about right. Avoiding someone by running away from them was no easy task if you jump at everything that reminds you of them. It was like she was seeing him everywhere. Even in her own reflection due to the red streak in her blonde hair.

For further context, Yuki hadn't even seen the boy. Just a person with green somewhere on their figure and that person just happened to have a shrub for a body.

Although, she did seem to find the humor in it all. Even after taking the extra precaution by leaving her bar at a later time, he still managed to find her, even when he wasn't here. A haunting presence. Goes to show how she reacts to the slightest hint of kindness. The bread he gave her hasn't been touched since he bought it. It stood there on the bar countertop, waiting to be eaten, by Hiro as well, but for some reason she didn't let him. Yuki chucked it down to her pride, and though that was part of it, it wasn't the full reason. She didn't understand the full reason, so she refused to touch it and give him the satisfaction. Satisfaction of what, exactly? Not even she knew, but she wouldn't give it to him, that's for sure.

The day after their first meeting, Yuki contemplated on throwing it away since it bothered her so much, and trust that she's tried, but when she opened the trash can lid, she found herself stuck. Her conscience wouldn't let her do it and it ended in a frustrated grunt as she closed the lid and tossed the bread back on the counter. Plopping annoyed-like on the barstool closest to her and pressing her cheek in her knuckles. All this for a loaf of bread. What a joke. She scoffed then proceeded to stare at it for hours.

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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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