How Things Work

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Lapis: Hello hello hello!! This is your host Lapis speaking, and I'm here to introduce you to the brand new Super Shenanigans Universe ASK OR DARE!! Woohoo!!

It's quite simple. You ask the character a question, or give them a dare to complete. That's it! You can choose a max of 6 characters per dare, and you can mix and match from all stories!

Not counting Bright Witch Child, Brighter Future, and the original Keebtastic story.

Now limitations; No killing characters, no giving items (Spark will create it instead), no forced love (especially with the kid versions of Sunshine and Alex), and no magic.

To explain the no magic thing; I don't like magic. Too confusing. I like tech

But with that out of the way, feel free to give your dares here!

Super Shenanigans: Ask or Dare 2Where stories live. Discover now