Three idiots, an old man and a burnt meal

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Gojo Sensei was off handling teacher business (He was just goofing around with Shoko and Utahime, don't ask me how Utahime agreed to it.) and the gang decided to make him a surprise meal for when he returned.

This, it would turn out, was a horrible idea.

"Alright guys, Gojo's gonna be gone for a while and I think we should make him something for when he gets back, any ideas?"

"A girlfriend!"

"I don't think Gojo is into woman Nobara."

"How would you know Megumi? You saying he's gay?"

"Considering how he talks about his 'friend' Geto, maybe."

"Guys focus, we need to make Gojo something special." Itadori's eyes narrow as he thinks, the few brain cells in his thick skull forming an idea. "How about a nice meal?"

"Great idea Yuji! Wait, can any of us cook?" Nobara looks to Megumi.

"Why me?"

"You just... Seem like you would know, you know."

Yuji whips out his phone and starts typing furiously. "Let's just look something up, simple."


Yuji's phone falls to the floor as the signature markings of Sukuna form on his face. Megumi steps back slightly, preparing to summon Mahoraga.

"Now hold on just a moment, I want to help."

"What? Sukuna wants to help us, sounds like bullshit..."

Sukuna grins, pulling out a chef's outfit form thin air. "I'm a culinary expert Megumi, and I couldn't allow you brats to mess up a perfectly good meal."

"Then why do you have a personal chef?"

"We aren't to that par to the story yet you idiotic woman."

Nobara scowls and walks off.

"Now then, allow me to show you the power of the king of curses."

"You're not gonna..."

"You might wanna stand back." Sukuna prepares to use his domain, smiling maniacally. "Domain expansion: Malevolent Kitchen."

(Insert a bunch of cutting noises and Sukunas little theme.)

After about a minute or so Sukuna let's his domain fall. "Fuga."

He fires the divine flame at the bowl and you can probably guess how that ended. As the smoked clear the bowl is left a charred mess.

"Shit... You can have your body back brat."

Yuji returns to us, staring at the burnt bowl along with Megumi. They sit there for a good deal of time, the kitchen also destroyed by Sukunas domain.

"Alright idiots, I bought take out." Nobara comes back in, holding up a few bags of takeout food.


"I order it a while ago."

"Wow, didn't you believe in us?"

"Nope." Nobara sets the food down and walks off.

"Fair enough. Yuji, help me clean up this mess."

"Got it Megumi!" And so they proceeded to clean the kitchen, and somehow fail miserably at doing so. Like Jesus man, it's even worse than before. As they're cleaning Gojo returns, he seems rather cool with the kitchen being entirely ruined.

"Gojo-sensei! We uh... Tried to make you a meal."

"So you did, where is it?"

"We just got take out because we couldn't cook anything."

Gojo smiles, "At least you tried."

And they lived happily ever after, except the kitchen.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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