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-=-Destiny's P.O.V.-=-

My name is Destiny Grace, Im 18 years old, and I live in Canada. Im going to High School. I actually graduate this year! I can't wait! Once I graduate I can move and go to college somewhere else. I really want to travel the world and see different things. Im really hoping I get into The Art Institute of Seattle! I want to do Graphic Design or Game Programming. One of the two at least. I know I should be more focused on my studies but I really like playing video games. Minecraft, COD, CS:GO, GTA V.

I also have a youtube channel. My channel is "ItzDestiny" I have over 1,000,000 subscribers! I would never tell my brother though. I think he would judge me and tell me i dont have a real job. Im just not ready to tell him.

I watch other youtubers too. Not much but I watch xBayani, TYBZI, Kiingtong, MineplexOfficial/Parker_Games, and Grapeapplesauce. I would love to record with them sometime. Or even meet them at PAX!

"Destiny. Why are you still up. It's 1 A.M. You have school tomorrow." Zach says as he opens my door and illuminates my room. He's my brother. I always feel like he is hiding something... "Why are you up? Shouldn't you be asleep too?" I say back. "I couldn't go to sleep. Your turn" Zach says. "I started playing on Mineplex and just lost track of time.."

Zach walked out and shut my door. I am now laying in the darkness again. Yeah I know I know. "You live with your brother?" Yes. yes I do. Let's just say I don't exactly get along well with my parents..

As I was about to log off I see chat start spamming with GRASER! xBAYANI! KIINGTONG! I log off before I get kicked for lag.. I climb under my sheets and stare at the wall until I fall into a world where dreams die and nightmares never end.


Im walking through my old house at my parents when I hear screaming and yelling come from upstairs. I walk up them as the screams get louder as I go. I look through my parents door to see my mom and dad yelling. My mom's drunk which isn't helping. My dad is sick of her coming home drunk everyday. My mom turns and looks at me.

"What do you want? Money? You got enough of that from me. Im fucking tired of paying for your ass. Get out of my house you ungrateful bitch!" My mom screams at me.

I run into my room crying. I grab my suitcase and duffel bags and start throwing all of my belongings in the bags. Not even caring if its folded neatly. I grab all of my stuff and run out of the house, not ever wanting to see it again.

End of Dream

I woke up screaming and in a night sweat. Just when I realized what had happened my door slammed open. Revealing all the lights in the house were turned on. It was Zach.

"Are you okay? Why were you screaming?" Zach said really worriedly. He seems wide awake. "I just had a nightmare flashback thing. It was nothing." I ask. "You scared the living crap out of me" He replied. "Im sorry I scared you. Im just gonna go back to sleep now. If you don't mind." I say and lay down as Zach walks out and shuts my door.

I look at my clock which reads 4:52 am. There is no way im going to be able to go back to sleep anytime soon. I reach over and unlock my phone as it brightens my room. I grab my ear buds thinking maybe listening to music will help me go to sleep.

I play my sleep playlist and lay on my back as I staring at my ceiling full of dove silhouettes. Lets just say not being able to fall asleep has happened alot. Im slowly falling asleep when i see out of the corner of my eyes my door opening. What is Zach doing?

I see his head peek through the crack and stare at me. "Destiny. You awake?" Zach whispers. I ignore him and pretend like im sleeping. I want to see what he's doing.

He soon leaves and shuts my door back. Time to find out what he has been hiding for awhile!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2017 ⏰

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