Fee - ! Chapter 3

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My lips feel foreign. He kissed me. Why did he kiss me? My left hand rubs the spot where his thumb had traced circles. The skin feels too sensitive, almost ticklish. Not in a bad way. Just unusual. Was it a normal change to our friendship? A natural progression? We are both [17]. Both worked for years, though our job paths are very dissimilar. Well, maybe not so different now. I pass under the old wall. If his parents had lived, would my first kiss have been with Pol? Probably. Would we have courted? If Mother and my baby sister had lived? There is absolutely no way to know. I never thought of Pol that way, but I haven't seen him since we were fifteen.

A figure moves under the single torch, then moves towards me. I realize, too late, my hood is down and my face is in the light of the moon and the torchlight. No, no, no. My luck cannot be this malevolent. Familiar blonde hair glows a soft orange near the torch's fire and Stendal moves closer. He is over a head and a half taller than me, and strong. I've seen him toss full kegs at his family's shop like they weigh nothing. When he has time between bragging and hurting those he deems less than him, that is. Definitely not someone I want to meet alone. At night, in the shadows.

"Well, well, I'm lucky tonight. Never been so happy to be running late," his voice is deep and too loud in the dark. His smile worries me. Greatly. He is a bully and cruel. "If it isn't my skittish little Miss Sweetbriar."

I look around for anyone else, a witness, but we seem to be alone on the cobbled lane right now. Hopefully someone will stumble along soon. I brace myself and keep my face neutral. "Good eve, Stendal." I give him the barest of nods. He is close enough to reach me now. If I back away or run, he will chase me, I'm certain. Fighting to keep my tone polite and even, I continue, "Sorry but I need to hurry home."

I try to step around him. He steps in my way. I side-step. He follows. I can see his icy blue eyes glittering. Again I look around. No one, gods dammit. He steps closer. My neck has to bend back painfully to keep his face in my sights. Our chests are almost touching. My gut roils and my muscles strain, wanting to run. Maybe if I throw up on him, he will go away? Not the worst idea ever.

"Sweetest, have you been to Dark Row? How naughty." He laughs. It isn't a nice laugh.

"Gods, no! I..." I gasp as he cuts me off by stepping forward again. For a moment his chest is pressed to mine and my chin is touching his sternum. Fuck! I step back; he moves again. He bumps into me and I immediately step back again. I swallow and it takes a few tries to speak. "Stendal, I did not, nor have I ever been on Dark Row. I just collected an order from Thyme's..."

Another step into me. His body blocks the torchlight now. I back up two steps, the wall is right behind me. We are hidden in shadows from the wall and behind a half dead elm tree. Shit!

"Would you like to go with me, my Sweet?" he asks. "I can show you so much." If he takes one more step forward he can pin me to the wall. I will not be able to move or budge his body.

"I-i need to get home to my little brother," I say quietly. Too quiet. I clear my throat. My heart is tight. Stronger, I finish, "He shouldn't be alone."

He reaches a hand near my face. I flinch. The smile widens on his face and he flashes teeth at me. My stomach clenches. He grabs a strand of my hair that escaped the twist at my neck. Stendal studies it, as if it is an item he might buy. "I'm sure he's asleep. You have time to be with me."

"I don't want to go with you."

His cold eyes move from my hair to my own eyes. He brings the hair to his nose and inhales. My pulse races and my feet want to run and never stop. "You smell like flowers and berries, Sweetbriar. So good. I bet you taste good, too." His hands shoot out and grab my upper arms. He holds me painfully hard. "We don't even need to go anywhere. We're alone, and hidden here. I can be quick. This time."

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