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Chapter Closed. The Beginning

As time passes, the lessons are becoming harder.

So, I have to study more. Luckily, I now have my study buddy, Faith.

So, studying is getting way easier, and I'm having more fun.

We help each other a lot, so we're able to perform better in class.

From being regular students in the previous semester, we're now able to have the dean's list award. We treat ourselves to different restaurants and travel a lot every time we pass the exams and have other awards.

What's best is that Auntie also surprises us with gifts.

Despite being busy with my studies, with charitable activities, and with my friendship with Faith, I make sure that I also spend some time with my family and Bruce as well.

I visit home once a month, and I keep having dates with Bruce on some weekends. We tried to become more understanding of each other as we now have more responsibilities in our studies.

We kept giving presents every time there was an occasion.

And this has been my life for a couple of years.


[JULY 2011]

Tadaaa! ~

Here's the day of graduation!

We're reaping the fruits of our labor.

Thanks to my professors and friends, especially to my family, Bruce, Auntie, and Faith, for making this journey even more meaningful.

Most importantly, thanks to the Man from Above for the guidance and strength given to me all throughout ^_^

Chapter Closed.



And we are now working professionals.

Yap. That quick!

Welcome, Faith and self, to GT Blue Corporación. ~

We're so lucky! It's one of the best companies for finance graduates!

Here in Castellón de la Plana, Spain.

New apartment, new environment, and new people.

Again and again.

New experiences are approaching.


At first, I couldn't find any satisfaction in my job.

But I tried to enjoy this new chapter of my life by traveling to different places, either alone or with my friends, such as parks, museums, libraries, malls, bars, and restaurants.

We even went to high class hotels just to take some pictures there.

A point in my life came when I felt too occupied.

I didn't know what to do first.

I am finally earning my own money, but the work didn't give me any satisfaction.

Since many people say that it's really a good company for finance graduates, they recommended that I stay here, so I did.

Then, I felt so lost. I didn't know what I really wanted in life.

So many problems arose. I realized and remembered a lot about my past...

There were pains still hiding, which again came out. There were things I couldn't accept. Until a time came when I finally broke up with Bruce because I wanted to be alone this time.

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