4 | dancing with a stranger

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Geto and Ozaka arrived around 2am back on Jujutsu High grounds after a very long drive. Every inch of their clothes still cold and soaked from the school sprinklers.

"Ozaka, we're back." Geto whispered, gently nudging her shoulder. Her eyes slowed opened and looked around completely disoriented. Geto chuckled and took her hand to help her out of the car. "Let's go get your hand taken care of then you can go back to sleep." He chuckled seeing how clumsy Ozaka was still half asleep.

"How long was I asleep for?" She groaned rubbing her eye.

"Almost the whole ride back." Geto replied as they got to the infirmary hall. Both of the worn out first years quickly got their cuts and scratches tended to. Ozaka's hand was stitched up and wrapped up due to the cut she had inflicted upon herself.

"Just make sure you keep the wrapping clean. If it becomes dirty come in and get a new one put on." The doctor said to a half-zoned out Ozaka.

"You got it doc." She sleepily gave a thumbs up as Geto appeared in the doorway, ready to walk Ozaka back to her room.

"You're good to go Oshira." The doctor smiled. "You get some well-deserved rest, both of you."

"My hand feels heavy. It's like a cement brick." Ozaka sighed followed by a huge yawn. Geto couldn't help but laugh at how ridiculously funny Ozaka was when she was this sleepy. An over-whelming, consuming feeling crept up inside him as he walked side by side with her. It was something he never felt before nor could explain to even himself, all he knew was that it was sad they had to part ways.

Geto walked her back to the girls' hall making sure she arrived to her room safely. He watched her open the door giving a small wave before closing the door. There was just something about her that made him feel something...

• • • • • next morning • • • • •

Ozaka awoke to the miserable feeling ill. Her whole body felt achey, her hand was throbbing as it had swelled up overnight, and on top of all of that she felt utterly feverish as sweat covered her skin.

"Ozaka?" A person asked followed by a knock. "It's Shoko."

"Come in-" She responded trying not to sneeze.

"Woah- are you sick?" Shoko asked standing in her doorway. Ozaka slowly nodded, her whole body feeling heavy. Shoko stepped in as Ozaka shook her head, trying to sake off the wave of chills.

"I don't want to get you sick." Ozaka pleaded waving her arms in the air, wanting Shoko to stop coming in further. Shoko placed her cool hand on her forehead.

"You need to get back to the doctor." Shoko said helping Ozaka up to her feet. "Come on, we're taking you there immediately."

"Hey what's happening?" Geto called from across the courtyard. He jogged up to the both of them seeing how miserable Ozaka looked. Geto helped Shoko get Ozaka quickly back to the doctor.

"She has a definite high grade fever, thank you both for getting her here as quickly as possible. With rest and the antibiotics we gave her she should be better in a few days. We're going to keep her here just to keep an eye on her though." The nurse said. "You both are free to go in a visit."

"Where's Satoru?" Geto questioned.

"He had to stay back with the investigators yesterday from our mission." Shoko crossed her arms leaning against the wall. "He should be back sometime this morning. He'll want to know about Ozaka."

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